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chapter twenty six (xxvi) : heartache

everything around him seemed to blur as tears ran down his cheeks and he began to shake uncontrollably. his heart rate skyrocketed as his breathing became shallow and he couldnt even manage to keep his mind still, all he wanted was to have you back in his life. all he wanted was to not be alone anymore. as the realization hit him once more that he wouldnt be able to live the rest of his life with you, it felt like his body was giving up on him. he needed you, more than he had ever needed anything before. it was getting harder to breathe as his breathing began to become more erratic than ever before and his heart was beginning to ache.

his entire body was consumed by this feeling, he felt like he was going to collapse at any moment from this overbearing weight that was crushing down on him. his eyes filled with tears that began to drop down his cheeks as his heart continued to beat harder than he ever remembered it beating. it felt like his body was about to give out and there was nothing he could do about it. he did not want to live this life without you in fact he couldn't live without you, but there was only one thing that was going to change the fact that she wouldn't be around any longer..and that was turning her. there was no choice....his only option was to turn you. he couldnt keep going on like this, he couldnt live another second knowing he would never see you ever again. the thought of having to live an eternity without you was too much for him to handle, and turning you into the same thing he was was the only thing that could keep this nightmare at bay. it was the only option he had left to prevent him from completely breaking.

his whole body was beginning to feel weak, he felt like he was about to faint with how hard his heart was beating. he knew that he couldnt put this off any longer and that he couldnt handle being without you any longer. he could turn you, he wanted to turn you but he was always afraid of you regretting this decision but now he cant even afford to think about that. there was only one choice and that was to turn you. the thought of turning you began to consume all of his thoughts, he couldnt wait any longer to make this decision. he had put it off for long enough, he needed to do it now. there was no turning back. he had to do it. to hell with the consequences, and what might happen in the future. he wanted you by his side for eternity. he didnt care any longer about what might happen if he did this, if he truly wanted to spend an eternity with you then he would have to take this risk, and now he didnt have anything to lose by doing so. he needed to take this risk otherwise you will be gone forever and he couldnt live with that fact. so now was the time, the time to take the final leap and be prepared for whatever the outcome may be.

he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear getting it out of your face before bringing his face down to your neck 'im sorry y/n..please forgive me' he whispered. he took a deep breath in as he held you close to him and placed his hand on your neck. it took all his willpower to be strong enough to actually make this decision, but he told himself that if he didnt do it now then he never would. with one swift motion he brought his mouth down to your neck and bit onto you. as the sharp pain filled your body, he immediately pulled back and started to stare at you to see if any changes occurred. he tried to fight the urge to pull away due to fear, but he also wanted to see what would happen.

Once he pulled away and looked at her nothing had changed. now he was starting to panic as he kept his eyes glued onto you, waiting for something to happen. as the seconds ticked by and nothing changed, sodo felt more and more anxiety come over him. this had to work, he needed this to work or he couldnt live with himself any more. As Swiss walked back out the house to check on sodo he saw him with blood running from his mouth. He smiled at him and nodded his head knowing that sodo had done the right thing. as the blood began to drip from his mouth he was too busy staring at you to notice the presence of swiss near him, his eyes couldnt help but stare at the girl he was in love with. he was hoping for something to happen, anything to happen and if something did happen then hopefully it would mean that it was working.

Swiss was soon joined by papa who also had a big smile on his face. Papa made his way over to a shaking sodo and placed his hand on his shoulder 'I knew you'd do it' he told him before carrying on 'why don't you bring her inside' he smiled.

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