Chapter 5

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Monday arrives, and I find myself waking up before my alarm goes off. The sun peeks through the branches of the tree outside my window, casting a golden hue across my room. It's quite peaceful looking outside as the warm sun touches my skin. The world completely asleep save for a few early risers walking their dogs or out for a jog.

Making my way to the bathroom, I step into the shower and freshen up. Today is said to be the hottest day of the year, so I mentally prepare myself. Realizing that enduring the day in long sleeves will be unbearable, I opt for a tight-fitting skirt paired with a short-sleeved shirt. I also grab my lightest cardigan and slip it on. That way, I can easily take it off if necessary, but also have the option to cover up if I feel uncomfortable.

It's still early, so I decide to take Diva for a walk to the nearby dog park. She eagerly leads the way, clearly excited. Upon arrival, I recognize a few familiar faces and decide to let Diva off her leash. She immediately joins in the play with the other dogs while I find a spot to sit on one of the benches. I relax completely as the warmth of the sun embraces my skin.

After twenty minutes, I call Diva back, and we head back home. It's 7:40, and with school starting at 8:30, I still have plenty of time to make it there.
As we arrive home, Dad rushes out while Mom is busy making pancakes.

"Hi, Dad. Bye, Dad," I say as he dashes out the door.

"Bye, honey! See you tonight," he calls after me.

"Where were you?" Mom questions as she hands me a plate.

"To the dog park. I was up early and decided to take Diva out for a walk," I reply, filling my plate with a few pancakes. Mid-bite, I suddenly realize that I don't have access to a car, meaning I'll have to walk to school. Mom leaves in five minutes, and she's headed in the opposite direction, so I can't ask for a ride.

"Shit," I mutter.

"What's wrong?" Mom asks.

"I just realized I don't have a car, so I'll have to walk," I explain, glancing at the clock.

"Well, you better get going. It's not too far by car, but walking can take a while," she advises, packing a few items for me to take.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll see you tonight! Bye," I say, slipping on my shoes and rushing out the door.

As I near the school parking lot, the bell rings, signaling the start of classes. I break into a quick run, eager to make it inside on time. Rushing past my locker, I grab my English book. Though I'm only ten minutes late, I'm unsure of how Ms. Anderson will react to tardiness. I knock on the door, hearing a faint "come in" from the other side. I push open the door and step into the classroom.

"Look who decided to join todays lesson," Ms. Anderson remarks annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I had to walk he-" I begin to explain.

"I don't care. You're late and disrupting my lesson. Sit down and be quiet," she snaps, cutting me off. Quickly, I take a seat, trying to compose myself. With my heart still racing from the sprint on the hottest day of the year, I focus on regulating my breathing as Ms. Anderson resumes her lesson.

"Are you okay?" Jennifer whispers beside me.

"I'm fine. Just had to walk to school," I whisper back, but before I can finish, someone clears their throat.

"Late to class, interrupting my lesson, and now you're also talking?" Ms. Anderson's stern gaze meets mine. "You've earned yourself another detention."

Ms. AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now