Chapter 12

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It's Wednesday, which means calculus class is up first. I'm not looking forward to it. The thought of facing Mr. Bayron right now isn't exactly appealing. Jennifer sits beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hey," she greets me with a smile.

"Hey," I smile back at her. "Any plans this afternoon?" I ask her, trying to shift my focus.

"I'm going shopping with my mom for my outfit for the party," she says, clearly excited.

"Omg! I can't wait to see it. Have you decided on the vibe? Dress, pants, or maybe a skirt?" I question, getting as excited as her.

"I'm not sure yet, but probably a dress," she replies just as the teacher walks in. He's wearing tight-fitted pants that accentuate his already small and skinny frame. It's a bit too revealing for my taste, and I could do without seeing all of that.

As Mr. Bayron begins his lesson, the sound of his voice irritates me. It's like nails on a chalkboard, grating against my ears and making it hard to concentrate. I try to focus on the lesson, but my mind keeps drifting back to Hannah.

I can't help but replay the events of yesterday in my head. The way she was so considerate, making sure everything was okay with me before anything happened. It's hot, to say the least.

Lost in thought, I find myself smiling, but I quickly erase it from my face. I don't want anyone to notice, especially Mr. Bayron. The last thing I need is another 'talk' with him about paying attention in class.

The bell rings, and I practically bolt out of the classroom. Biology is up next, and we have a small test waiting for us. It's not too difficult, just a way for the teacher to check if we were paying attention in the last class.

After that, it's chemistry. The lesson is all theoretical, focusing on molecules and their structures. It's a bit dry, but I manage to keep myself engaged by doodling in my notebook. I've found that drawing helps me remember things better and keeps my mind from wandering too much. Except for now, my mind is consumed by thoughts of Hannah, and I can't help but feel excited for this afternoon. We made plans to meet at her place, and I'm feeling a mix of nerves and curiosity. After what happened yesterday, I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but I'm eager to find out.

The bell rings and I walk to English class. I spot Jennifer on my way and she approaches me.

"Hey, since Mr. Bayron cut us off earlier, I didn't get to ask if you have any plans for this afternoon?" she asks as we step into the classroom.

"Yeah, I'm meeting someone later," I respond casually, hoping she won't pry further. But as if sensing my evasion, she becomes curious.

"Who are you meeting with?" she questions, a mischievous grin forming as she gestures toward my neck. "Could it be the one who left you that mark?" She points to the visible hickey, causing me to flush with embarrassment. Quickly, I make up an excuse.

"No one you'd know and I just walked into a door," I smile shyly, hoping to deflect her attention. Jennifer playfully rolls her eyes, clearly unconvinced, as Ms. Anderson enters the room. I discreetly admire her, as I often do, only to hear Jennifer snort beside me. I glance at her, and she shakes her head knowingly.

"She's the door you walked into, isn't she?" She whispers, a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

"What? No. That's not- I mean- just no," I whisper back, stumbling over my words, but Jennifer's expression tells me she's not buying it.

"It's okay if you don't want to share, but maybe keep your crush a bit more discreet. You're practically drooling over her," she teases before returning her attention to her book.

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