Chapter Two

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Eloise greeted the morning with a new outlook on life and a small ball of hope unfurling within her chest. At first glance she had thought Ginelle a mere child but at fourteen summers she was practically on the brink of womanhood; with no guidance, she thought solemnly.

She would never be the child's mother for in fact she was but a few years older than the girl herself, but she could be her mentor, teach her the things a mother should teach a daughter, she thought as she made her way down the hall towards the chamber where the girl slept. Immediately she stiffened at the abrupt chill of the room and she shivered as her eyes widened to find the bed unstirred.

Instinctively, her heart dropped. Had Ginelle run away? She stood frozen, gripping the latch as she searched the remnants of the room until she felt a wave of relief seize her as she spotted the curled, sleeping body on the floor near the hearth.

Her relief was quickly overcome with extreme displeasure at the evident chill in the room. Why had Ingrid not returned to rekindle the fire?

Eloise crossed the room and knelt next to Ginelle, gently rousing the child until those eyes of soft brown fluttered open and peered up at her, widening for a brief moment until recognition settled. She quickly sat up, turning her face away in slight embarrassment as she smoothed the wrinkles from the nightshirt she had been clutching through the night.

"Why did you not sleep in the bed?" Eloise questioned gently, "You could have caught a chill sleeping on the floor." Eloise helped Ginelle to her feet and immediately moved to the door where she and a maid exchanged hushed words unclear to Ginelle.

Eloise turned and smiled yet Ginelle sensed she was displeased, "I am sorry." She said, "I did not mean to upset ye, tis just that I-" she fell silent as the older maid Lucile came marching in the room, tugging a reluctant Ingrid in tow.

Ingrid barely cast a glance in her direction as she stood before Eloise, her hands tucked nervously in the apron of her gown. She kept her green eyes leveled to the floor as Eloise started, "Ingrid, you will have a breakfast tray prepared and brought to our guest and when you return I want a full explanation to why you lacked in your duties this morning and as for your idleness, you can see that the grand stairway is washed and scrubbed."

Ingrid curtly nodded, "Aye milady." She hesitated as if she wanted to say something in return but refrained and hastened from the room.

Ginelle stiffened; had she been the reason to why Ingrid had disregarded her duties? She felt the intense urge to speak in Ingrid's defense. "Milady, if I have troubled ye-"

Eloise composed her displeasure as both she and Lucile turned to peer at Ginelle. Eloise stopped her mid-sentence. "Do not fault yourself for Ingrid's mistake. She lacked in her duty this morning, therefore she is entirely at fault and it is not acceptable."

"Lady Eloise was lenient with Ingrid, far more than Master Dorian would have been." Lucile stated, the undertone of her voice relaying a clear message.

Ginelle averted her eyes to the older woman. She was a handsome woman, with austere features that indicated her proud disposition. Her gray hair was pulled tight into a chignon at the nape of her neck, not a single strand out of place. Her unwavering, dark stare made Ginelle uneasy as the older woman studied her return. Somehow, sensing from her rigid stance and bold stare, she felt as though this woman disapproved of her presence just as much as Ingrid but for an entirely different reason that was unknown to her.

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