Chapter Twenty-Two

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            After settling Ginelle in bed, Lieutenant Cummings stepped aside as two maids moved forward to see to their young mistress.

            Stefan turned to the housekeeper who stood in the corner, silent and pale. Gathering her composure, the older woman motioned him into the hall.

            “I thank you Lieutenant, for coming all this way to inform us of this unfortunate news.” Stefan had rarely seen moments of weakness in this tenacious woman but he could see the tears brimming in her dark eyes while her hands trembled in gripping the front of her apron.

            He dropped his head and cleared his throat, “Your heartache is as grave as mine, mademoiselle. You do not know how difficult it was for me to come here but if it is any consolation, Ashford is my second home, Dorian was many things to me.”

            Lucile reached out and smiled despite her suffering and squeezed the young Lieutenant’s arm in a comforting gesture. “Ashford shall always be a home to you, Lieutenant.”

            Her hand dropped to her side and she cast a longing stare at the closed door.

            “Will she be alright?” Stefan asked, following the older woman’s stare.

            He noticed a distinct shudder pass through the housekeeper’s shoulders. “I do not know.” She whispered tightly, “She carries his child.”

            Stefan blanched, “You are certain?”

            Lucile nodded, “Yes, I fear for her health as well as the unborn child. Dorian’s death may very well destroy her.”

            “She loves him?” Stefan already knew the answer but somehow had to hear it from another.

            The older woman turned to peer up at him. “Her love for him is what will destroy her. There has been much sorrow at Ashford, first Lady Eloise and now Master Dorian. Ginelle is all that we have left.”

            “He would have married her.” Stefan said more to himself, realizing than that Ginelle’s reputation was ruined. She was unmarried and with child and somehow he could not bare any more travesties for Lady Ginelle. He knew Dorian had loved her and would have wanted the very best for her. Dorian had not only been his Captain, but many things, a father, brother, a mentor, everything he had lacked in is life.

            He was painfully familiar with the depth of Ginelle’s pain, having lost the woman he loved and never confessing his affections. “I shall marry her.”

            Lucile gasped her mouth parting in a distinct O. “Pardon, Lieutenant?”

            “She is unmarried, mademoiselle and carrying a man’s child. She will be the object of many taunts along with her suffering; I cannot bear to see it.”

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