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Early Celebrations?

I looked on in satisfaction at the wolves in front of me. I had never have imagined that rogues would be able to communicate and work together this well. They almost moved as one as they practised sneaking up on targets. They were like a real pack.

"Bet you didn't expect this from two packs of rogues." A voice came from behind me, making me jump. It was Sam, the other rogue Alpha, and Cole's brother. He had brought his pack to join the preparations as soon as Cole had told him our plan.

"You're right. I was always told rogues were savages and only worked alone. Your wolves are like a proper pack." I replied as he moved to stand next to me.

The corner of his mouth twitched upwards. "Pack wolves always stereotype us rogues."

I looked questioningly at him, and he continued. "You Pack Wolves always think of rogues as savage, dangerous loners, unpredictable and to keep away from. Rogues like that are actually only the minority of us. But it's only rogues like that which attack packs. That is why Pack Wolves categorise all rouges under the same name: Dangerous. Because the only rogues they ever deal with are the mad and dangerous ones. They never see Rogue Packs like these, because we tend to try and keep out of the way and under the radar. We are basically just an unofficial pack."

Looking around, i found that i believed him. None of the wolves here seemed especially dangerous, well no more dangerous than any regular pack wolves. And they were like a big family, as a pack should be.

We had been training all day, and now, as it was becoming evening, the smell of meat cooking over a fire enticed the wolves from the practise fields to the main clearing. All of us were tired and bloody from the practise fights, but we were happy. There was a buzz in the camp. We were confident in our abilities. We were confident that we would win.

I took a seat next to a young pup, i guessed she was about 4 or 5, and waited for my share of meat to be passed around.  She looked at me with big eyes, and a small smile spread across her lips.

"Hey." I whispered to her. She seemed to be alone, so i figured i would try and make some conversation.

"Hi." She replied in a small voice.

"What's your name?"

"Jessica. But most people just call me Jess."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Jess. I'm Alice."

"You're the one who's going to lead us to battle, aren't you?" She asked me in an even quieter voice.

"I am. But you don't need to worry about that. You'll be staying here with your parents."

"They're dead."


"They were killed a few months ago. Now the pack looks after me."

"Oh, i'm so sorry."

"It's fine. They're with the stars now." She replied and it was then i realised how mature she was for her age.

She was only about 5, and she had lost her parents, just like i had, and yet she was handling it so much better than i had. I studied her face for a while, whilst she looked up at the dusk sky, and the stars that were just appearing.

"They're beautiful, aren't they, the stars?"

She nodded.

"Some of the brightest stars up there burned out millions of years ago, you know."

"Really?" She asked, looking at me.


"So how can you tell which stats are dead and which stars aren't?"

"You can't. It's impossible. But it's a beautiful mystery, don't you think?"

She nodded again and leaned against me. She was about to drop off to sleep, when Cole's deep voice was heard above the murmur of wolves. We silenced quickly, and all that was heard was the crackling of the fire.

"As you all know, we have been training for a while to battle Blake. And now, I, Sam and Alice have decided that we are ready. Tonight is a celebration feast. We leave for Blake at dawn."

There was a cheer from the crowd of wolves and the exited murmur filled the clearing again as  Cole sat down again next to Sam.

A celebration feast eh? My wold piped up in my head.


I can't help but think that this celebration feast is a little early.

I agreed with her.

----------------------------------------------A/N: hope you guys enjoyed! Next chapter will be written soon! But until chapter 21,

Bye guys!


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