Chapter 3: Secrets Unleashed

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On Saturday night, around 11 PM, Jason jumped out of the bed, swiping his hands through the air as if he was trying to swat something away. Veronica immediately woke up as she heard Jason yelling, "Get away! Get away!" 

Veronica quickly got out of bed and grabbed his arms. "Babe? Babe, wake up it's just a dream." She pulled his arms down. 

Jason slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw Veronica, he let out a sigh of relief. She guided him to the bed to sit and turned on the lamp. "Want to talk about it?" she asked. 

Jason nodded. He was actually fine. Jason always liked having nightmares, and that's what inspired him to become an art major. The mind was a strange and intelligent work of art. His dream was to always see his imagination come to life in art museums one day. He was rather determined about it.

"That was intense," he said with a smile. "You were this sick looking ghost. After you died, I went to your grave to visit you, then you crawled out of it with heavy lidded eyes and a slack mouth. Your cheekbones accentuated this skeletal look that robbed my mind of emotion."

Veronica gave him a cheeky smile. "Your dreams just get stranger and stranger. Let's go back to sleep. My flight leaves tomorrow morning at eight."

His gaze at her became alluring. He gently massaged her arm. "Don't you think we should spend a little more time together before you leave?"

Veronica kissed him then laid back down. He shrugged and laid back down to cuddle up next to her. "Goodnight," he said.

"Sweet dreams," she replied.

Knowing he never had any, he smirked. "As if."


4 Weeks later. Monday Afternoon

Moving back with his parents was easy; seeing them wasn't. Jason and his parents never had a good relationship. His parents expected massive respect from Jason, but they didn't respect Jason. In their eyes, he was still a little child, meaning no locking doors, no staying out after 10 PM, no sex before marriage, and whatever house rules are disobeyed, dad's old belt will get involved. Yes, Jason still received beatings. Now Jason was more careful about getting in trouble because he knew that if he got hit now, things wouldn't end so pretty.

After class that same Monday, he headed back home. He went to his painting room where he practiced painting, clay sculpting, and sketching. His hand moved over the canvas. It was almost as though his mind was directing his hand itself. He didn't have to put any effort into his focus. It came all from his mind.

His hand moved instinctively to the right spot, building a new picture, often one he haddreamed of before. He always thought of himself as a realm creator, but there is something else there, too. He doesn't know what it is, however, he will soon find out.

"Jason?" His mother walked into his art room. Jason quickly turned his painting around. He didn't like his mother to see his artwork. She thought it was weird. "I am very disappointed in you, young man," she huffed.

Jason stared at her, confused as to what she was talking about. "What now?"

"What now?" She huffed again and stuck her nose in the air, something she always had done. "Is that how I raised you? You could say, 'Excuse me, Mama. Did I do something wrong, Mama?' "

Jason stared at the floor. "Excuse me?" He forced the words out.

"Claire called," she said. Immediately his head popped up. "She is pregnant, and she says you are the father."

"That's impossible," Jason said. 

"The papers confirmed it," she said. "You're the father. I told you, I warned you, I raised you better to protect your chastity, and look at you. Disgusting fornicator. What will Veronica think of you?" she asked then walked away.

Jason stood up and grabbed his mother by the arm.

"Heavens!" she said loudly.

"Mom, please, please. Don't tell Veronica," he begged.

His mother smiled softly. She folded her arms, snuck out her nose, and closed her eyes. "I will not be a part of this. Secrets are made to be told. She will find out one day. I won't have to say anything." She turned on her heels and walked away, mumbling as she walked while shaking her head.

Jason stood there in the hallway and watched her as she exited his sight. If it were up to him, Veronica wouldn't find out. The question was... how could he keep Claire silent?

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