Chapter 12: Friends

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The doorbell rang. I was in the kitchen when Rosemary answered the door. "Hello Abby, hello Emily," Rosemary said, welcoming them inside. I ran out of the kitchen. It had been so long since I had seen them.

My family had known Abby and Emily ever since I was six. They had been coming over often to keep me company. My father loved Emily's parents very much. Abby's mother, Claire, was a friend of both of my parents, a good friend. 

Abby, Emily, and I tackled each other to the ground. It was something we did each time we saw each other. 

"It smells so good in here," Abby said, sniffing the air. 

I pointed to the kitchen. "We made brownies."

"Yay!" Emily ran into the kitchen, followed by Abby and me.

My mother smiled at them as she poured the brownie batter into the pan. Rosemary walked into the kitchen and started putting away dishes. My mother waved her hand at her. "I got it, Rose. You just watered all of those plants. I'll handle this disaster. The girls will help." She looked at the three of us and gave us a sly smile. 

Emily frowned. My mother laughed. "Just kidding. Go play."

Rose laughed. "Okay, whatever you say." She smiled at my mother. Rosemary and my mother were close, real close. She'd stay late hours to work. Rose and her kids, including Jasper, would even spend the night sometimes. They were like family.

Abby tugged on my hand, indicating that we should get out of the kitchen before Mom changed her mind. The three of us ran out of the room, and when we got into the opening of the mansion, Emily stopped.

"Let's play Hide and Seek!" she yelled. It was her favorite game. We always played when she came around. Abby and I didn't like it much because we could never find her. She was just too good. Abby often got mad whenever Emily won because she always bragged about being the best at hiding.

Abby rolled her eyes. "Let's do something else."

"But we haven't played it in a long time," Emily whined like a three-year-old, even though we were all eight now.

The doorbell rang again and Rosemary quickly walked over to open the door. Emily's mom was at the door, and she looked concerned. Abby's mother was behind her, and she looked upset, too. 

"Amanda, wait," Abby called after Emily's mother. Amanda turned and whispered something in Claire's ear. After she was done, she took Emily's hand. Emily told her mother that she wanted to stay and play, but Amanda wasn't having it. Whatever it was. She took Emily's hand and just like that, they were out the door.

My mother walked out of the kitchen and saw Claire. "Oh, hey Claire." She looked around and was about to ask us where Amanda was but Claire took Abby's hand. 

"I think that's enough fun for now," Claire said. She pulled on Abby's hand and they headed out the door. My mother stood there, almost as confused as me. Rosemary's expression revealed her own confusion as well. 

"What was that about?" my father asked from upstairs. He had a paint brush in his hand as he stood at the top of the staircase.

My mother shook her head. "I have no clue. That was weird. I'll give them a call soon and asks what's up."

"Just leave them," my father said.

My shrugged. "I want to-"

"I said leave the bitches alone," he said then walked back out of sight. My mother's eyes widened. 

"Excuse you, Jason Harmon!" She ran upstairs.

The rest of the night consisted of them arguing. My father didn't have to react like that, and at the time, I had no idea why he did. I would soon find out the horrible truth, the truth that Abby and I shared a father.

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