Chapter Twenty

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"Jace and Eli should have notified me on what happened with Nate in Texas. That wasn't information that they should have left out. When I request updates, I expect to get them." Gabriel growled; his tone clipped.

I shook my head at him. "It's not their fault, it's mine. I told Jace that I didn't want to tell you until we were back, he wanted to inform you, but I stopped him."

His eyes narrowed, this wolf flickering between his eyes. Despite my reasoning his wolf didn't appreciate that his pack members wouldn't disclose something as important as my ex rummaging through my belongings.

I clenched my jaw, my teeth biting down hard as I copied his stare. "Don't blame them Gabriel, it was me."

I also didn't want Gabriel to bring it up to them as Eli didn't know, he had been slaking on his duties while we were away to be with his mate.

I didn't mind covering for him, but I couldn't deny it if Gabriel questioned it. He would know immediately that I was lying.

Wanting to defer the conversation, I placed my hand on his thigh, removing him from his thoughts as he looked towards me. "What should happen now? I'm not sure if he's a risk but if he is, and there's a possibility, I'd like to be prepared for it."

"I doubt he would do anything, but I will keep an eye out. I'll look further into him." Gabriel begun. "You know, it makes me wonder if he is the wolf that Hayden requested, I take in." Gabriel pondered, standing up and walking towards his desk. Sorting through some paperwork which he pulled out from his drawer, stopping on a page, and looking up.

"Nathanial Williams?"

I took a deep inhale and nodded; the thought had crossed my mind when Gabriel mentioned it a few weeks ago. I was sceptical, I wouldn't have thought that Nate would want to come to this pack willingly, although he did know that Gabriel was my real mate.

Gabriel confirmed that it was Hayden, my old Alpha who had made the request, but Nate was his Third-in-Command. I shook off the idea that Nate was potentially planning something, involving Hayden in his plan.

"If he comes here, I will destroy him." He vows, his voice challenging. His brows furrowed and he had flaming eyes that turned hard. His voice dripping with determination and fury, the sound attractive and deep.


Gabriel's POV:

I was running the pack border; it was routine of mine on a Friday evening. My muscles were tense over the conversation Lara and I had this morning. Olivia abruptly turning up in my office had caught me off guard.

I haven't been nor spoke to her for two years, when I finally ended the casual relationship we had, she was enraged. Completely discontented, she was obsessed with the thought of being with an Alpha, of being an Alpha female.

She was infatuated with the prospect.

My paws thundered against the forest floor as I raced through the clearing, my heightened senses, inhuman strength, and incredible smell had my wolf running in the west direction of my territory.

My wolf growled furiously in my mind, a surge of dominance that came with being an Alpha. We sensed that rogues had crossed our borders without authorisation, and he wanted blood.

Sensing I was close, I slowed my pace down, scanning the whole vicinity. I had already mind-linked Dan and two of the patrol wolves of my location, they been on the opposite side of the territory.

The sound of a stick breaking in half, caught my attention. My head darting in the direction of the noise, noticing the presence of five unfamiliar wolves who emerged from behind the trees.

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