Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Nate had taken her.

He had kidnapped my daughter and had killed two of our pack warriors.

The feelings and sensations that I was feeling were immense. It was fear, terror, anguish and pure murderous.

Gabriel grabbed my shoulders harshly, pulling my body to his. His mouth moving, trying to communicate with me, but his words were mute. His lips were speaking but no words were coming out.

All my senses had disappeared, fear disabling me.

Gabriel shook me roughly, the movement waking me, pulling me out of my shocked state. "Lara!"

I closed my eyes, squeezing them tightly, my hands reaching up and into my hair, tugging at it tightly. He wouldn't hurt her; no Nate could never hurt Kennedy. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't do that. I kept repeating to myself, trying to convince myself of the fact.

My wolf was pacing around my mind, begging to be released. She was pushing herself out as I held her down, needing to concentrate instead of allowing her to explode, to let a bomb off that I needed to dismantle.

Gabriel's hands grabbed my chin, his eyes penetrating mine, forcing me to investigate his. His wolf was out and at the surface of his control. "Lara, you need to talk to me. Where is Kennedy and who can you sense?"

My lips opened and words began spilling out my mouth, all in quick succession as Gabriel's hand left my chin and gripped my shoulders. "Nate, it's Nate Gabriel, he's taken our daughter."

"She's gone Gabriel." I whispered, my voice wavering as I attempted to hold back tears and swallow my panic. My knees were buckling beneath me, my full weight dropping onto Gabriel as he held me up.

He held me tight, unable to hold the dark growl that emitted from the depths of his throat. I couldn't see the orbs of his eyes, but I knew they would be blacker than black. The immense anger that radiates from his body told me so.

Gabriel began shouting orders, his words not sinking into my brain as wolves began to scatter across our territory, obeying and complying with the demands of their Alpha. I had barely noticed how many had encircled us, how many had followed us into the clearing.

Hours had passed by and nothing had been securing itself within my mind, I couldn't tell you anything I had heard over the past hour.

All I could remember was that Gabriel had picked me up and ran towards the pack house, to the main office where he dropped me on the couch and made frantic phone calls to surrounding packs.

With each ring, Gabriel grew more and more frustrated. Not that I blamed him, I felt completely useless.

He tried to disguise the worry in his voice, but I could hear it, it was low, but it was there.

Neighbouring packs that we had treaties with agreed to help find Kennedy, they were each sending out pack warriors and trackers to help in the search. I was incredibly graceful and wanted to go out searching myself, that idea was shot down quickly, Gabriel refusing.

The Blood Walkers had already sent out pack wolves to help with the search. Grace and Julian were both heading here along with Dylan. They had left early during the ceremony but were on their way back already.

Dan, Eli and a bunch of our warriors stormed through the office door, the sound of the door slamming against the wall didn't even fraise me. Taylor was following behind them and rushed over to me.

She rubbed her hand up and down my back trying to comfort me, but the only thing that would comfort me was my daughter. She continued the movements as Gabriel divided the wolves into groups and ordered them to do different tasks.

The Alphas Unknown Daughter | ✓ (Rewritten) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt