Where the hell is Raphael

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Eden's POV*

Okay so dean and Sam momentarily broke up that's fine that's. I went with dean...as always. Cas came to us for help. I was fully ready to jump in and help my little brother. Dean was hesitant but I convinced him to help. We were looking for....Raphael. Oh crap.
We parked the car in front of some boring building. I was once again in this dumb monkey suit. "The deputy sheriff layer eyes on the archangel" Castiel told us as we looked at the building. "And he still has eyes?" I asked. "Alright what's the game plan?" Dean asked. "We'll tell him he saw an archangel of the Lord. And the officer will tell us where the angel is." Castiel said. Oh poor sweet innocent Castiel "We can't tell him the truth Cassie" I said. "Why not?" Cas asked genuinely. "Because we're humans and when humans want something really really bad we lie." Dean told him. "Why?" Cas asked tilting his head. I handed him a fake ID and straightened his tie. "Because that's how you become president" dean said.
We went in and Castiel stuck out like a sore thumb. He had no idea what to do with his badge or what to say. My sweet little brother... what would he do without us? "There was a full scale riot kill or be killed type of thing." "Any idea what caused it" dean asked. "Angels and Demons probably... they're skirmishes all over the globe." I face palmed myself. "What did he say?" The officer asked. "Nothing" "demons" I laughed. "Demons you know drink... drugs... this one is kinda religious. Anyway then what?" There was a exploitation giant white light. Apparently there was a guy standing in the middle of it. That'd have to be Raph. We went to see his vessel and he was a mess. Poor kid didn't know what he was getting into. Cassie went to get some holy oil from Jerusalem. He got back pretty fast. "So you keep saying we're gonna trap this guy. But ain't that like trapping a hurricane with a butterfly net?" Dean asked Cas "no it's harder" Castiel answered. That's why I'm here I guess. "Do we have a chance of surviving this?" Dean asked. "You do" Cas answered. "So what are we gonna do with your last night on earth?" Dean asked. He knew I wouldn't let Cas die but I was interested in cas' response. "Just thought I'd sit here quietly" he said. Oh my dad that's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Nope that's not happening. "Dude common anything? Booze? Women?" Dean asked. Castiel blushed and got really uncomfortable. No. Way. "Cassie? You have been with a women before right?" I asked. Cas rubbed his neck and looked away. Oh my poor baby. "You mean to tell me you've never been up there doing a little cloud seeding." Dean asked. "I've never had occasion okay?" Cas said embarrassed. I shared a look with dean. Well that couldn't continue. "There are two things I know. 1) Bert and Ernie are gay and 2) you are not dying a virgin not on my watch... let's go." Dean said. Oh no what did I get myself into.
I was slumped so far down the booth I was practically under the table. Dean brought us to a den of iniquity. Women were practically naked dancing around like fools. I tried my hardest not to make eye contact with anyone. Poor Cassie looked horrified. He was stiff and he wore a constant blush. He looked like he was about to scream or cry or both. Okay bad idea very very bad. "This is a den of iniquity I should not be here" Cas said. "Yeah me neither." I said shielding my eyes so I could only see the table. "Dude you full only rebelled against heaven... iniquity is one of the perks... show time" he said as a girl walked over. I have never wanted to leave somewhere so bad in my life. And I spent a few millennia in Hell. "Hi what's your name?" A girl in underwear asked Castiel. He was far to afraid to make eye contact. Dean was trying to hold in his laughter. "Cas. His name is Cas what's yours" dean smiled "chastity" she answered smiling. I almost spit out my drink. "Chastity? Wow how's that buddy?" Dean said looking at Cas. Cas was staring of into nothing and drank the whole pint in one go. "Well he likes you and you like him so..." she leaned down and grabbed cas' hand. "Common baby" chastity said pulling Cas away. His face was that of pure panic. "Sister please." Cas looked to me for help. "Sorry brother no one can save you now" I smiled at Castiel as he was being pulled away. Dean handed him some money. "No credit card don't order off the menu. Go get her tiger... don't make me push you." And poor Cas was sent on his way. "How you holding up Eddie." I smiled. "I'm getting drinks and having fun with my best friend and my brother. Tomorrow I get to see my dear Raphael. I am amazing. For the first time in a long time." I smiled at him. That was short lived.... we heard a scream. We ran to go see what was up. "Get outta my face leave me ALONE! Bastard screw you!" Chastity was yelling at Cas. And threw her shoes at him. "I'll kill you!" She screamed walking away. "What the hell did you do Cassie?" I asked. "I don't know. I just looked at her in the eyes and told her it wasn't her fault that her father Jean ran off. It was because he hated his job at the post office." Castiel said. "Oh no man. This whole industry runs on absent fathers. It's the natural order." Dean told him. When down the hall chastity was coming back with body guards. "We should go... common" dean said as we made a run for it. Once we were in the clear both me and dean started dying laughing. "What's so funny" Cas asked us. We just kept laughing.
We waited for raph for a long time. The trap was set but nothing we got back to where we were staying when I felt him. Raphael. Electricity came bounding off him and all the lights went out. "Castiel" Raphael said in a deep dangerous voice. "I thought you were supposed to be impressive. All you do is black out the room" dean said. "And the eastern sea board" Raphael corrected. I was ready to cry. It was the first time I had seen one of my archangels since the fall. But I stayed quiet. "It is a testament to my unending mercy that I don't smite you hear and now." Raphael said. "Or your full of crap. Why aren't you killing Cas?" Dean asked. "A little birdie told me of a rumor. That you were not only brought back by but are in connection with the Goddess Eden. Tell me... is there any truth to it?" We all stayed quiet. "You know... for an archangel your pretty dumb" dean said. "Oh? Do tell" Raphael said. "We knew you were coming you stupid sonofabitch" just then cas dropped the lighter and a ring of holy fire erupted around Raphael. "Don't look at me it was his idea" dean said. Both Castiel and I gave him a what the hell look. "Where is he?" Castiel asked "god? Didn't you hear he's dead. Now tell me does the same go for my beloved sister?" Raphael was desperate to know I was alive. So I was weak, "hello brother.... it has been a very long time." He was shocked if he had a heart beat it would have stopped. "Eden? Is it truly you sister?" I smiled and nodded at him. "Oh my dear Raphael what have you And our brothers done?" "I'm sorry sister we should have never stopped looking... but it's alright now. You have returned. We must bring you home immediately." My smile faded. "Brother I love you but I cannot return home yet... my work is not yet done." He looked heart broken. "Is it true? Is our father dead?" I asked. "I don't know... he's gone. It's just easier to believe he is dead than to believe he chooses not to return to us. He left us alone with no directions and a world to run. Alone in our grief. We are tired we just want it to be over...paradise." I nodded in understanding "I have missed you brother and I will see you soon." I told him before stepping through the holy fire. I kissed his forehead and wiped the tears that were slipping down his face. "Goodbye Raphael."

Raphael's POV*

I returned to heaven. She lives... the rumors are true. Our sister. Our Goddess walks the earth. I walk directly into the throne room to see Michael stooped over his desk. "Brother... it is true." I spoke still not completely focused. My entire realty has shifted. "What is true Raphael?" He asked leaning back and rubbing the fatigue from his eyes. "The rumors are true Brother." He perked up and stared at me. "Which rumors?" He asked with caution in his voice. "I have seen her. Spoken with her...  our sister Eden walks the earth."

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