Abandon all Hope

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Eden's POV

I stood in the motel bathroom. Castiel had found the Demon Crowley's House but he couldn't get in due to angel warding. We had a plan but unfortunately it involved my wearing this ridiculous outfit. It was a tight black dress with no back. It was so short it didn't even go a forth the way down my thigh. It also showed far too much cleavage for my taste. I was in tall black heels and my long blonde hair hund freely in loose curls. I didn't like this look at all. I felt like a prostitute. I glared at my reflection...They couldn't be serious. Just then I heard an annoyed knock on the bathroom door. "Eden! common hurry up" It was Sam. "There is no way in HELL HEAVEN OR EARTH  I am wearing this outfit Sam!" I heard the annoyed grunt through the door. I could practically feel the eye roll. "Don't roll your eyes at me Samantha!" I yelled through the door. "How?...You can't even see me!" Sam yelled back in amazement. "I can sense your sass a mile away you moose!" I heard Dean laugh. "Common sweetheart it can't be that bad let us see!" Dean said. If they laugh I will kill them. I took a step out of the bathroom and both boys stared with wide eyes.

Deans POV*

HOLY CRAP! If I didn't believe she was a goddess before, I sure do now! That dress fit her perfectly. Her blonde hair practically glowed. She wasn't wearing a lot of makeup and it looked perfect. She looked perfect. My eyes started to dry out they were so wide open. I need to say something. Anything. Something to cover up the sound of how fast my heart is beating. This is not good. I can't be thinking this crap about her she's my best friend. But I can't help it... She looks flawless. We sat in silence as she squirmed under our intense gaze. Sam was the first to speak. "Eden... you look amazing!" Sam smiled. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I look ridiculous!" She scoffed. Ridiculously hot maybe.  English I need words. Because I'm just sitting here staring at her like a freakin' creep. But I couldn't think of any. No words expressed how beautiful he looked. So I just sat staring. "I think you broke Dean." Sam laughed. That bitch. "Shut up..." I hissed at Sam. Then I turned back to Eden. "He's right though... You look drop dead gorgeous sweetheart." She blushed. I MADE HER BLUSH!!!! "Ready?" Sam asked. "Let's go bag us a demon!" I smiled. And off we went. 

Edens POV*

We were outside of the demons crowley's house. I was supposed to get us in. If only my brothers could see me now. I looked like a hooker. My hair blew in the breeze as I approached the house. I pretended to be cold when I saw a security camera pointed at me. I walked up to the large iron gate and pressed the call button. "YEAH?" I heard one of the demons through the microphone. "I hate to bother you but my car broke down and I need help." I whimpered letting my voice shake. "I'll be down in a minute." He replied. A few seconds later two demons appeared and opened the gate. "Hey there pretty lady." I smiled timidly at them. "Hi I just need to make a call. Do you have a phone I could use?" I asked. "Oh you won't be needin' to call anyone." They both smiled a sinister smirk at me and I saw Dean and Sam sneak in. Just need to distract them a little longer. "You know what I think I'll just wait by my car." I turned to walk away but one of the grabbed my shoulder. His eyes went black, "We said get your ass in here" no they didn't. Ah well. I quickly turned and placed my hand on his forehead. My eyes glowed blue as I smote him. He dropped dead as Sam and Dean came out of hiding and killed the other one. "Nice one Eddie, you should wear that dress more often." Dean smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and mumbled a "shut up" in order to conceal how his flirting affected me.  We walked into the house and I killed the power. We were now in the dark. 

Crowley was surprisingly helpful so we let him live.(against my better judgment) We now have the colt. They still won't tell me why we need it. For some reason we need to be in Carthage Missouri on Thursday.


We were at Bobby's house. Me, Jo, Ellen, and Cas were sitting in his living room playing a drinking game. Ellen went first and downed three shots. "Alright your up big boy." She coughed gesturing to Cas. He took 15 shots without hesitation. "I think I'm starting to feel something." He smiled.  Sam and Dean FINALLY came out of their little private meeting and Bobby called out for a picture. "Your drinkin' my beer and besides imma need something to remember your sorry asses by." Bobby said. "Ha always good to have an optimist around." Ellen laughed. What the hell mission is this. Castiel nodded "Bobby's right. Tomorrow we hunt the devil this is our last night on earth." Did he say 'hunt the devil'? The camera flashed. "What did you just say?" I asked shocked. Castiel looked confused then glanced over at Dean who was nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "You didn't tell her?" Castiel asked Dean. "TELL ME WHAT DEAN?" I stared at him. I had to have heard wrong. They ARE NOT killing my brother. "You son of a bitch. You tricked me into helping you kill MY BROTHER?!?! LOOK AT ME DEAN!" I was beyond livid. He finally looked up. "Listen Eddie... He's gonna deep fry the world." Dean looked at me sadly. "NEW PLAN... I want to talk to him. You can bring you're colt if it makes you feel safe... But WE TALK FIRST! Do you understand?" I spat. I couldn't believe them. I have been betrayed before but never like this. They all nodded their heads. They looked terrified. It was only then I realized my eyes were glowing and I had switched into my god voice. "I need some air." I stormed out slamming the door so hard behind me the window on it broke. I needed to calm down. We would talk about this in the morning. 


We got into town and there was no one and the phone signals were a bust. Nice and spooky. Seems like Lucifer. I stood with Castiel I didn't want to ride in the same car as Dean. He betrayed me. Sam did too but Deans betrayal hurt far worse. When we got out of the car we looked around to see tons of reapers. It looked like every reaper in creation was here. They all stood still as statues. "What is it?" Ellen asked us. "This town's not empty." Cas said. "Reapers..." I completed his thought. "Reapers? as in more than one?" Ellen asked. "All of them." Cas answered. "They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago fire, San Francisco quake, Pompeii. Cas we gotta find out why they're here." I said. This can't be good. What is Lucifer planning? Me and Cas walked through the maze of Reapers. Reapers always scared me. After all I am the goddess of Life and creation. Reapers represent death and decay. We saw one reaper staring at us through a window. Then it slowly moved. We quickly flew after it and followed it into the basement. Castiel was ahead of me and stopped. He took a step back and grabbed my hand. Then we heard him. "Hello Brother" He said to Castiel. It was him....Lucifer.

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