Chapter 12: Migraines

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The police searches the entire apartment and looked for finger prints on the wine bottle, but there was nothing.

The only finger prints were Eric's.

That's impossible, there has to be more than just Eric's fingerprints.

"It seems this was a suicide, the only fingerprints are the victims."

"That's impossible, who would purposely kill them-self with rat poison?"

"It was a suggestion, but if it wasn't a suicide, the man used gloves so his finger prints wouldn't be found."

At this rate it's going to take weeks before a suspect of even questioned, if there even is one.

I can't wait any longer, this need to stop. he needs to be stopped.


I took my medicine like I always did, but this time I noticed I was out of pills.

"Andrew I'm out of medicine."

"Don't worry angel, the doctor sent me another bottle the other day. They are all in the medicine cabinet."

"Okay, I'm going to lie down I don't fell so good."

He nodded and kissed my head.

I ran upstairs and crawled on the bed and closed my eyes, my dreams invaded my mind.


I made sure I had enough pills to last for a year, I can risk running out.

When I was looking through the fridge I heard a knock at the door. when I answered it there were two uniformed police officers holding a flyer.

"Excuse me, we are very sorry to bother you but have you seen her? she's been missing for six months. Her name is Clara Daniels."

I looked at the stairs them back to the men and shook me head.

"I'm sorry officers but i haven't seen her, I don't really go to town much, but I will keep an eye out for her."

"We are sorry for wasting your time, have a good day."

"You too."

I closed the door and crawled into bed next to the still sleeping Clara.

"I promise no one is going to take you from me. ever."

I kissed her head lightly.

Those officers tried to take her from me...

...They are going to pay.


I woke and looked out the windows, seeing nothing but a dark night.

When I walked downstairs Andrew was watching the news.

"Two police officers were found decapitated in an alley and their bodies set on fire." The news reporter spoke.

"Who would so something like that?"

I asked standing behind the couch.

Andrew jumped and immediately turned the tv off.

"I uh I have no clue, probably some psychopath on the loose."

"Andrew im scared."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

"Don't worry, no psychopath is going to hurt you. I'm here to protect you Clara, I promise."

I looked up at him and smiled, he kissed my forehead lightly.

"Andrew I had a dream the other night but I never told you about it, I was in this dark room and I was chained up and crying. this person who cutting me and pouring alcohol on me, not the drinking kind but the kind of use for cuts so they don't get infected, and it seemed do real. like maybe it's something that's happened to me before but I don't remember it."

"It's probably just what you're afraid might happen. nothing's going to happen to you, I promise."

"My head is killing me, what's going on?" I started crying and fell to my knees, Andrew bent down beside me.

"I'll be right back."

He ran to the kitchen and ran back into the living room with a glass of water and two blue pills.

"Here take this."

I swallows the pills with the water.

I gave the glass to Andrew and he out it on the table beside the couch.

He picked me up bridal style and laid me down in the couch and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry angel, the pain will go away soon." he stroked my hair.


"Have you found a suspect yet?"

"The only one who may have been involved with Andrew is dead. we have yet to find Clara."

"Are you fucking kidding me, two cops are dead, and I know for a fact Andrews behind it, we have to stop him."

"But we don't know where to find him." a cop states.

"But I do."

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