Chapter 27: i love you

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I sat at the furthest end of the couch and Andrew sat opposite of me.

"Why are you so crazy?" I asked confidently.

He turned to me and his eyes darkened with anger.

Andrew crept closer to me making and stand up from the couch.

"You want to know I'm so crazy Clara?" He asked walking Closer to me making me take series back until I hit a wall.

Both his hands were panted in the wall on both sides of my head.

"I'll tell you why Clara?"

I swallowed nervously.

"I feel in love. It was years ago. her name was Anna, and she was beautiful. We would talk and go out almost every night. later it became more serious and I proposed. I know what you're thinking, but let me tell you it didn't happen. I came home from work one night to see cops and ambulances surrounding the small cottage house Anna and I bought together and lived in. Do you know what I saw come out of the house?"

I shook my head, suddenly I had a lose for words.

"A body bag. my first love was tortured in every way you can think of and was brutally murdered. want to know the worst part? She was killed three days before our wedding."

Tears clouded my vision. 'shut up! Just shut up!' My subconscious screamed. I don't want to hear the story anymore.

"So from that day on, I promised, I vowed that if I ever find love again I wouldn't let her go. I would protect her. that's why I can't let you leave, that's why I have to protect you. that why I'm so crazy."

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He used the back of his index finger and tricked my cheek, whipping the tear I didn't know was falling.

"It's okay, the bastard that killed her got what he deserved, he was found dead in an alley. an overdose."

"I-I had no idea."

"Of course not. but now you know why I'm so protective. that night we met, at the club, I saw how those other men were looking at you. I'm the only one who can look at you like that. you're mine Clara."

"They will find me."

"Maybe they will, maybe they won't. you can never be too sure."

"You know, if you weren't so crazy maybe I'd actually love you."

"I'm not the only crazy one. tell me Clara what makes you crazy?"

"I am not crazy."

"Are you sure? because not too long ago you were mumbling 'free' and it's bit the First time I caught you mumbling and acting crazy."

"Fine I'll tell you why. I lost my parents when I was 14 years old. year after I had to live without my parents. I became so guilty and so depressed one day and I tried to overdoes. I took a whole bottle of these pills I found. I almost did too but I was saved. Now, you try losing your parents at a young and live day after day without them. plus you kidnapping me and holding me hostage here, doesn't exactly help."

"You're just as crazy as I am." he smirked.

"I guess I'm just crazy in love."

His eyes widened.


"Fuck It." I whispered to myself.

"I'm in love with you Andrew!"

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