37. Forgetfulness

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"I'll give you two a...surprise...when you two leave. I have something interesting in mind..."

"Bring it on. I don't care who or what you are, but Ace and I are going to get out of here no matter what," I said through gritted teeth.

I was faking half of my confidence though.

There's no way that this mysterious man is weak...he is strong enough to stop time.

If he wanted me and Ace dead, he could've ended us easily.

Luckily, I figured out that he couldn't kill us, which is good...I guess.

"I think you're misunderstanding something...I won't try to fight you myself..."

"Are you scared or something?" I asked.

"I admire your bravery...but...no. There's no way I would be afraid of you two killing me. Even if the gods tried attacking me all at once...they wouldn't be able to kill me..."

"That's a lie. Even though all the gods are immature brats...they're stronger than you think," I said while trying to be careful to not reveal that I knew two gods personally.

"Believe what you want. The gods can't kill me...But I can't kill them either..."

"Well...no duh. You can't kill a god. They're immortal."

"You're wrong, stupid girl. Just because they are immortal doesn't mean they're impossible to kill."


"They can't die of old age...And they're beings with unimaginable amounts of magic in comparison to you puny humans...But who said you couldn't kill one...?"

"I don't understand."

"Gods can die...It's just that humans are so weak, that to them, killing a god is impossible..."

...It had never crossed my mind that the two gods that stuck around in my head could die.

Shai and Gadia were certainly very annoying and childish...but I knew they were gods with the ability to manipulate the fate of a human and to reincarnate a dead girl into a new world, like me.

The gods did everything they wanted because they had the ability to.

But they could die...?

"Was it that shocking to learn? I guess it's something not a lot of people think about these days..."

"...That's not the point right now. Tell us how we can get out of here," I said after a slight pause.

I turned to Ace and nodded.

This guy was bad news.

We need to get out of here.

"Let's talk about you two leaving a little later. For now, I want to catch up on a few things..."

"Like what!?"

"You've made a very interesting group of friends..."

"Huh? That was random."

"I don't know...I just wanted to talk about those four boys you're always around..."

"That's suspicious."

"Maybe...Who knows?"

"Heh. I bet you have no friends. That's why you're asking."

"...No...I don't have friends anymore...but...I have many who aim for my friendship..."

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