55. Playing Cupid

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I laid on my bed and simply closed my eyes.

Perhaps the bad feeling would go away eventually the longer I waited.

But it never left.

Now, I could easily consider Lilly to be the cause of all of my problems.

First, I learned that she was a spy.

And now Ace has his eyes set on her?

I didn't quite understand the situation, but I didn't like it.

Somehow...I needed to stop Ace from pursuing Lilly before it became too late.

Hmm...What should I do?

If I simply kill Lilly right away, Ace will be sad...

And for some reason, I absolutely did not want that to happen.

I thought to myself for a long time before I came up with the perfect solution.


I chuckled to myself evilly.

...If Ace was in love with Lilly...all I had to do was to make him fall in love with someone else!!

It was a perfect plan~

I was absolutely sure that if Ace fell in love with someone else, other than Lilly, the terrible feeling in my chest would go away without a trace.

But...what does a person normally do to get someone to fall in love with another?

People may not know this but...I'm not very...good at understanding what "love" is.

I have had absolutely no experience whatsoever with love. 

I was never loved in my past life and I don't believe that I am "loved" in this life.

And as far as I am concerned, I have never really fallen in love either.


Back in my past life...when I was younger...

I used to think that I had a crush on one of my classmates.

He was probably the only one in the school who didn't bully or ignore me.

He was the type of kid who put all of his efforts into studying until the point where he basically had no life outside of his textbooks.

When I told my past life's parents that I believed I had fallen in love with someone, they gave me a harsh slap across the face.

They asked me why I was even telling them about it in the first place.

And they told me that what I was feeling was most definitely something of my imagination which, now that I think about it, was completely true.

Love is something that is meant to be eternal and everlasting, right?

Yet, whenever I think of that boy now, I feel nothing at all.

As if there was nothing there in the first place.

"...I want...to know what love is..." I unconsciously murmured from under my breath.

The moment I uttered those words, I slapped both of my cheeks with both of my hands in horror.

The pure amount of cliche and stupidity that came from those words made me want to smack myself in the face again.

I was not a delusional teenager who thought that she was the heroine of some sort of cliche romance story.

Another Life, Another MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin