Bai Fumei in the '70s

886 4 6

COO 152, current translation 48.
Rate: 5/5 stars

Original summary:

The villager who was so poor that he couldn't afford a gift, did not learn to do anything, and was idle, actually got a beautiful and rich wife from the city!

The beautiful and rich Bai (white) Fu (rich) Mei (beautiful), Zhao Lanxiang was reborn, and the first thing she did when she woke up was to find her husband in a hurry.

In their last life, they met each other in their later years, he had suffered through the ups and downs in life, and she was scarred. They warmed and healed each other in their remaining years.

In this life, she decided to give this man a good beginning, help him avoid the hidden arrows, and walk onto the bright road!

However ...... who could tell her why her steady, refined husband is actually such a cold, fierce, and thorny bully as a young man?

The rough man impatiently pressed the Bai Fumei into the cornfield, patted her tender face, and said fiercely: "You know, you can't run away if you mess with me again."

Spoilers and review:

If you love fluffy story similar to My Husband with Scholar Syndrome then you found your next target. Although I still like MHSS more than this novel. It's not bad though, I still tried to read this novel in one go even though I skipped a lot of part.

First timeline, MC got miscarriage twice because her ex-husband busy with his job and didn't care that his rotten peach blossom bullied MC. MC divorced him and met ML, I think maybe they're around 30ish. Then on 40ish ML died because he got jailed for 10 years when he was young and have a lot of injuries.
MC reborn to when she was 19 yo, when she was about to marry her ex-husband in first timeline. She ran away to country side to find ML early. I'm not too clear with 70s in China, I think the system is if you want to go to college, you'll need either connection or need to work in country side and make some merit, MC use this as excuse to find ML. When she met ML, ML is a cold person and prideful, different with ML in first timeline which is gentle to her due to old age (30ish is old age? I denied this). MC tried to get close to ML but ML avoid her. When MC dorm got destroyed and need to live with other village she chose to stay with ML family. ML family is old landlord, I think due to new system, landlord got despised a lot and become so poor (not sure why so poor). ML family is his deaf elder sister, younger sister and his grandma which always said intellectual but got paralyzed and grieved due to ML parent died early.
MC keep cooking for ML family but ML reject it. MC sell her food in black market, ML took it and sell it for her. He took her bike even though he can't ride it, when he got back MC found out that he got hurt because he keep fell from bike. They got close, MC keep helping ML to get money and improved his family condition.
MC heard bad rumor about ML, it was said ML have sex with a village girl in corn field so he got punished and reformed. ML said that nothing happen, he rescued the girl from rapist and there's rumor about him while the girl didn't say anything. Later the girl keep asking ML to marry her, MC noticed that the girl want to suicide and left her suicide note to ML (the hell?!). MC prevent her suicide and make sure the girl id fine, the girl moved to county and try to live well.
ML run illegal pig business, later he found the rapist which is an architecture with good reputation. The rapist kidnapped ML sister and MC friend (ex-husband sister), when the rapist about to rape ML sister, ML found them and almost kill the rapist. They all went to hospital and report to police. The rapist sue ML said he got violence, due to his good reputation police can't do anything. MC and ML tried to find rape victim. The village girl got pressured by rapist family and tried to suicide again. MC ex-husband threaten MC that he'll destroy ML if she stayed with ML. Sorry forgot to say, ex-husband also a rebirth and try to get MC. MC didn't say anything to ex-husband, she helped ML. The rapist got punished, MC make sure ML got into college than she left him. ML got heart broken.
4.5 years later, ML found a photo of him and MC. He felt he's about to forget her then he heard a new song released which MC sung 4 years early. He found MC then reunited sex. He found out MC is rebirth and went to country side for him. I'm not sure why the ex-husband didn't got entangled again, it was mentioned since it's 4.5 years later, MC is free from ex-husband. MC and ML got married, have a twin.

ide story about their child.
Side story about first timeline or maybe next timeline... Current ML rebirth to first timeline which he was released from jail. He found out he killed the rapist, he's still poor and his wife married other man. MC just got miscarriage and infertile at that time and not yet divorced. So ML worked hard to get rich since he can't beat the ex-husband. The story is from ex-husband POV where he regret neglecting MC and tried hard to make it up. He asked transferred to a stable job, he cook and took care MC. Tried to cure her depression. He found out MC is infertile but keep it secret from her and lied that she is in good health and persuade her to have another child. MC never respond him. Then ex-husband mother found out that MC is infertile and thought MC deceived them. She asked her to divorce her child. MC run back to her family. It was said military marriage can't divorce. Ex-husband keep begging MC not to leave him. His family and rotten peach pestering MC. MC open clothes store with ML secretly helping.
Finally ex-husband mother asked MC to divorce her child when the ex-husband worked or something. MC agreed and asked them not to show up again. The ex-husband got scolded by his boss because he was divorced and there's his intimate photo with the rotten peach. He actually got schemed by rotten peach at that time, but he didn't do anything just avoid her. He didn't know that the rotten peach show the pictures and caused MC 2 miscarriage. He keep regret it and beg MC to remarry but got beaten by ML. Then ML marry MC, they got no child. Back to second timeline...

Hmm... After writing the summary it seems a lot of stupid case lol. In every timeline ex-husband is miserable, but nothing about the rotten peach. I want to read her miserable ending but I guess this novel don't have villain only bad side characters. In side story ex-husband is portrayed really regret and tried to make up with MC too bad you're not ML and won't get second chance even after rebirth 😂 I pitied him in side story, but it is his own fault to neglect and take MC for granted. Let's just imagined a timeline when ex-husband rebirth and MC not rebirth so he can be the ML. LOL

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