My Daughter Was My Sworn Enemy In Past Life

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In Xu Yun Yao’s previous life, she overcame all obstacles barring her way just to become a queen. However, under the suppression of several ministers headed by Tang Song Nian she failed in the end. Just out of reach with bitter hatred in her heart, only to wake up and find herself reborn as the daughter of Tang Song Nian, as she died early.

Xu Yun Yao: I will trample you! You old fart! You dare to oppose this princess!

Tang Song Nian (laughing with joy): Aiya, our daughter’s boldness is truly too powerful.

Xu Yun Yao: I will kick you! I will bite you! You dare lead those ministers to slander this princess!

Tang Song Nian (gratified smile): I knew little treasure loves father best.

Xu Yun Yao: …….

Love the story and the twist. The story flow is just right, not slow and not fast. I felt peaceful when reading this novel. Some part is hmmm kinda make sense but stupid.
MC was a concubine, she got doted by the emperor and waiting the decree to become empress. But turns out the emperor change to other person, MC died in anger (she was sickly to begin with). MC rebirth as a minister daugther. The minister is someone from her past who keep obstruct her to become empress. She remembered in her past the minister daughter should have died when young and his wife also died to depression. MC still want to become empress and take revenge to the minister aka her current father. But she got loved by her family and met her first love, a general (ML) who save her when she was still a palace maid. MC thought it was fine if she could become the general's wife instead of empress.
There's a ghost with her past face but different soul, she got attached with MC. MC keep her as friend. MC tried to find her past self in current time but she uncover the past truth.
From the start she is the minister daugther, someone tried to make 2 soul in 1 body, which is MC and the ghost soul using the ghost body. The ghost is someone from merchant family which has the exact birth with MC. Because of it, the monk choose them. The monk is a unfavor prince from previous dynasty, he followed a princess (prev dynasty) who plan everything. They want to raise MC so she become the empress, at that time they can control MC (the curse 2 soul in 1 body) and revive the previous dynasty. So MC past life is when the curse working, in current time due to the ghost(from prev life) tried to save MC and brought her to the past. It was told that she succeed going back to past because in past life she was recognized as royal family and got the merit.
There's extra telling the past lifetime. It was the minister, MC father who make the emperor not to choose MC as empress because they thought MC is related to previous dynasty. When MC died the emperor regret it and investigate everything. He found out that MC is innocent so he buried her as empress. The minister found out that MC should be his daughter and tried everything to kill the previous dynasty.
ML background story is also interesting. When he was a child, he followed his aunt (from mother side). His aunt died in fire along with her husband. MC father took ML temporary and investigate the case. ML met MC and play together. He found out that ML hit the aunt husband, then the aunt kill her husband and hid ML in dried well, then she start the fire. ML found out that his father is a famous general. He met his father and ask him (without revealing his identity) if he regret what he done in the past. His father said he never regret it. Then ML went with his other aunt(from father). When he is adult (16 yo), the aunt died, his sister (aunt's daughter) already marry. He follow to his sister home but got reprimand by the husband family. So he went to front line, met emperor and save him(not MC husband in past life, it's prev emperor). ML become general, and met his father again. The truth is his father love a woman, his current wife. They broke up when they're young, the woman married another man, got a son. Then the woman become widow. ML father still want to marry her, the woman told him that she didn't want him have another woman. So ML father kill all his concubine and tongfang, even if some are pregnant. ML mother is one of them, she got helped by ML aunt and run away then later married ML adopted father. ML father was cursed by his concubine that he won't have any son. Until now ML father only has a daugther with the woman he married. He want to have his own son so finally he accept a concubine. When the concubine is pregnant, turns out she cheated ML father. When he know that ML is his son, he tried to make him recognize as family but ML refused. Turns out ML father is sterile because of the step-son who make him drink medicine in secret. ML father family broke down. I think in the end he divorce his wife.

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