Chapter 13: Here Comes Trouble

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Zenobia's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes and my ears. Here was Jake, kneeling in front of me with an engagement ring, asking me to marry him.

"No," I answered without another hesitation.

"No?" he asked.

"I didn't stutter. I'm not going to marry you, Jake, so stop using a ring as a sorry ass excuse of getting me back in your life. It's not going to work."

"Why the hell not?" he asked with a hint of anger as he rose to his two feet.

"I don't need to give you any explanation. Now, get out of here before I scream."

"To that stupid bodyguard of yours, huh? Is he the reason you're refusing to be my wife? You're sleeping with him, aren't you?" he asked then continued, "You know Zen, you're such a bitch. A spoil little princess. I've been nothing but good to you and you treated me like shit!"

"Jake, I'm not going to tell you again. Get out of here."

He put the box back into his pocket but stood right in front of me. "Let's fix this, Zen. We can be great together."

I was at my breaking point. It was obvious he wasn't going to listen because he was too determined on getting me back in his life.

I wanted to scream but I don't want to get hurt. There's no telling what he could do to me especially with a knife in his possession but as if he was a real guardian angel, Kyle kicked in the door and literally dragged Jake out of the room.

"Consider this your final warning! The next time you try something so pathetic with Miss. Hollen, you'll wish you've never met her!" Kyle spat out at him as he threw Jake across the room to the exit.

Wig and fake titties shifted. Everyone in the store looked on. Kyle and Tiffany sheltered me out and guided me to the car.

With flare, Kyle drove me home.

"Your father should hear about this," he spoke as we reached the threshold of my door.

"No. My father isn't a rational man. He'll fire you just for letting this happen under your watch."

I recalled when he fired the security guards because Jake got access to the building.

"That's something I wanted to talk to you about. Now that we're going steady, it feels low getting paid from your dad."

"Kyle, please not this. You're doing a job."

"Sweetie, I get that but it feels weird and wrong to me. But now that you have a stalker, I'm not going to desert you."

I took his hand into mine and pressed my lips on his. He melted into my gesture.


Kyle's POV

It was another weekend and Aunt Jackie had invited me over to an outdoor lunch. I decided to take Zenobia along with me and introduce her to my aunt again. She'll be so surprise.

I found my aunt setting up an outdoor table. "Aunty," I said, getting her attention.

"My darling," she answered. Thank goodness she didn't call me by that ridiculous nickname. Her smile became brighter when she saw me holding hands with Zenobia.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited Zenobia," I said.

"Of course I don't mind. Are you kidding? Zenobia Hollen. I'm so happy to see you again." They exchanged a big huge and smiles.

"Thank you for having me," Zenobia humbly said.

Aunt Jackie ushered us to the lunch table and she served us the delicious cooked meal. One thing about my Aunt Jackie was she enjoyed preparing delicious meals. She would always say nothing compares to home-cooked food. One could never starve being around her.

The doorbell rang and a banging was being heard.

"Are you expecting anyone?" I asked.

"No. You're the only one I invited," Aunt Jackie answered. She stood up and I went into protective mode. If that was Jake stalking us to get my girlfriend to marry him, I swear I was going to kick his ass this time.

Aunt Jackie went to the door and I stayed behind with Zenobia. I heard a voice that drilled into my ears and my blood ran cold as goosebumps made it obvious.

This couldn't be happening. Not here. Not now.

"Hey, are you okay?" Zenobia's voice calmly smooths me.

"Yeah, I'm good," I lied. I dreaded Aunt Jackie returning but that was about to happen.

After a short minute, she returned and she had her with her. My mother. The woman who couldn't raise her children. The woman who was a drunkie. The woman who couldn't boil an egg to save her own life.

"KYLEEEE," she dragged my name and opened her arms to hug me but I stepped out of her reach and avoided it.

"Kyle," Aunt Jackie said to encourage me on hugging my mother.

I shook my head no.

"Aw. It's okay, Jackie. It's been years and he's all grown up," my mother said.

Yep. That's what happens to children. We grow up.

"You've done a wonderful job with him. I missed my baby so much," she went on. Every word out her mouth was making me angrier and angrier. The nerves of this woman. She ought to be ashamed of herself.

"I'm not a baby anymore as you can clearly see. I'm a man now. With his own life."

"And a girlfriend. I don't think we've met before nor wasn't I aware Kyle had a girlfriend. You are?" she asked, turning her attention to Zenobia.

"Hi. I'm Zenobia. It's nice to meet you."

"Zenobia. Zenobia. Why does your name sound so familiar?"

"I'm a Hollen," Zenobia answered and my mother smirked at her.

"Ah, Yes. EJ Hollen's daughter. It's a pleasure to meet you and welcome to our home. How long have the two of you known each other?"

"If you were around you would be aware that we've been childhood friends, middle school friends and highschool friends," I addressed her.

"Talk about destiny, huh?" she responded with a laugh.

"Aunt Jackie, we'll be leaving right now," I spoke. My mood had shifted. I didn't want to be in the presence of my mother. I didn't want to breathe the same air as her.

"Kyle, please stay and catch up with your mom."

"There's nothing to catch up on," I told my aunt. I offered Zen my hand. She took it as we stood up to leave.

We said our goodbyes and went to the car. "Oh, I forgot my phone on the table," Zen said.

"I'll go get it," I answered. I went back to the backlawn to get her phone and that was when I overheard the conversation between my mom and my aunt.

"She's a Hollen. Kyle doesn't stand a chance with a girl like that, Jackie."

"Oh, leave it alone, Jess. They've known each other for years and Kyle was always in love with her. I think they'll make a lovely couple."

"Like how you thought you'll make a lovely wife to that bastard ex-husband of yours?"

"Leave my fail marriage out of this. This has nothing to do with Kyle and Zenobia."

"She's not going to poison my son. All these rich people do is destroy things and other people in their path."

"You can't stop love, Jess!"

"Oh yes I can. She's not going to have her way with him. She'll have to go through me first and no one can survive that."



🎄 MERRY CHRISTMAS, BELLE GANG. And I hope 2021 has better in store for each of everyone of you. Continue being safe.

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