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Trigger Warning: mentions of sex, brief mentions of abuse, this is kinda not PG, so read at your own risk?

"you need to deflate your ego a bit. I didn't pass out because of you dummy; I passed out because I have like no iron in my body."

Marco pulled away at this statement and gave me a small smile, so quick it was barely there.

"Well, know that you're good, should we call in the rest?"

And with that, I was ready to give the best ass-kicking beatdown by words they have ever heard.


*Emma POV*

As per my request, the rest of my brothers shuffled into the living room.

Now, I was usually a very calm person, but at the moment, I felt red hot, molten rage coursing through my veins.

And I wasn't going to hold back anymore. I stood up on the couch, ready to give my brothers a piece of my mind.

"Are you out of your minds??" I started, "What in the world compelled yall to try and beat Antonio's brains out of his skull?!? Marco barely touched me, and y'all are looking like someone ran over your dog, but Antonio over here has a broken nose and a black eye, and none of y'all look so sorry at all. And another thing?? You better not yell at Marco nor lay a hand on him when I leave this room, or so help me god."

I cast one disapproving look over my brothers before flopping back down on the couch, letting my eyes remain cold.

*Enzo POV*

The coldness in Emma's eyes rivaled that of Antarctica.

I knew that most of her rage was not directed at me, her twin, but I couldn't help but shiver.

With that sort of expression on her face, she looked like a miniature Alessandro.

Yet another shiver danced its way down my spine.

As if one Alessandro wasn't enough.

*Luca POV*

Emma must have been furious to yell at us.

She has only been here three days, and I already knew that she would never yell at us if she wasn't outraged.

However, I still felt a little...annoyed?

I don't know why, but seeing Emma yell at us just made my blood boil.

*Marco POV*

Seeing Emma stand up for her brothers, her family made me happy in some way.

Atleast she understood the importance of family.

That didn't stop the fact that I felt horrible for touching her, though.

*Antonio POV*

Well, I never thought this day would come.

It was amusing, really, to see all these men get scared by a girl half a foot shorter than them.

I would never admit it, but secretly I was happy that Emma stood up for me.

*Alessandro POV*

As I watched this whole fiasco play out in front of me, I had one thought in the front of my mind.


I thought she would be some sort of horrified, but her anger surprised me.

It was justified, but surprising nonetheless.

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