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Hi I should probably introduce myself my name is Annabelle but everyone just calls me Bella I'm a sassy person but who likes to keep to there self as nobody one like me anyways sadly even my own brothers hate me I have five older brother Jason(oldest) niko, hunter ,Callum, Leo Now your probably wondering where my parents are well they died in a plane crash on there way back to Dubai I begged them to come home after having a nightmare and wanted my parents back but they never made it back to me my brother blame me for there death if it wasn't for me my family would. Still be happy I know I'm to blame though I love my brothers even if they hate me but I know they think I'm fat as well and embarrassed to have me as there sister anyways On with the story

It all started 3 months ago we moved to New York as my brother hated living there without my parents when I started my new school that's when my hell began I was the new girl and the target for the bullies but the bullying never stopped one day I posted a photo of me in a outfit I got for my birthday before my parents died as I scrolled through the comments my heart dropped and a bubble formed in my throat there were some nice comments from my friends back in Australia but I scrolled to the bad comments there where so many as tears pricked the corner of my eyes and invaded my vision

Emily.hottie: "omg anyone notices how fat Bella is getting?"

Sarah: Bella is so fat! #how embarrassing

Nick_2@:stop been a fatass Bella your ruining the schools reputation looking that fat lose weight fatass

There where so many As tears run down my face I gaze into my phone as my chest starts feeling tight struggling to breathe I claw at my throat as the sound of the door creaks open not looking up I feel someone throw a pillow at me quickly snapping my eyes to the door I see hunter standing there confused as he sees me with my hands around my throat and tears running down my face

"What are you doing dumbass" hunter says sounding annoyed

Get out I tried to scream but came out more quietly then I wanted once he doesn't seem to be moving I peg a pillow at him hitting him square in the face he takes that as a sign to leave he give me one more look a look that seemed to show worried but I shake it of as he doesn't care for me he just as bad as my bullied and the rest of my brothers

"Your fat and gross his probably disgusted in you look at you! You need to lose weight fatass everybody hates you the voice says

The voice came at of now where making me shriek looking to see where the noice came from realising it's in my head the voice is right I couldn't help but keep thinking the sadness wouldn't go away so I get out of bed and go for a quick shower not daring to look at my body once at and I get into my fluffy unicorn onesie I know what your thinking don't judge I know I'm 17 but who cares I will wear whatever I want as I lay down in the warmth of my blankets the voices come back

"See fatty maybe if you lose some weight people would actually like you nobody likes a fatty like you the whole school and even your brothers don't like someone like you" the voice said

Deciding the voices we're right I decide from now on I'm going to losing weight which would make everyone happy I ending deciding to do a work at before going to sleep so I get up getting dressed in to some running clothes and decide to go for a run even though it was dark outside I sneak down the stairs as I hear the football going on the tv and my brothers cheering when a goal has been scored sneaking through the back door and in to the chilly night air I take a deep breathe and run across the backyard to the track in the forest I ran and ran with the voice still in my head as sweat started pouring of me and my limbs began to go numb deciding it was time to go back I follow the track back to my house as I peek through the door I see there all still in the lounge room so I sneak back upstairs having another quick shower to wash of all the sweat then changing back into my unicorn onesies grabbing my laptop I hope into bed an look up the best way to lose weight most took a month to lose weight but I wanted to lose at least 10 pounds in 2 weeks the voices wanted me to do so the only solution I could find was to only eat one meal a day and plenty of water starting to feel too sleepy I slamming my laptop closed and throwing it on the chair in the corner of my room and let sleep consume me

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter✨

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