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As the sun shined through the window hitting my face I groan as I lift my legs off the bed and let them dangle rubbing my eyes I stretched my arms as my door opens to find jason standing there with his oh so mighty ugly face

"Get dressed you have school" Jason says as he closed the door I decided to get dressed putting on black jumper reaching to my knees with denim jeans and my Ugg's on as I make my way to the bathroom brushing my teeth and brushing my hair leaving it down to hide my face better even though I always wear my hoodie my hair hides my face even better once leaving the room I walk down the stairs entering the loud dining room hunter and Callum throwing a foot ball across the kitchen Leo and niko grouch as always in the mornings they remember me of the grinch and Jason off course in his blue ironed at suit looking fancy like always as he reads the newspaper and sips on his protein shake I mean come on why does he act like dad use to he hasn't got wrinkles growing on his shrek looking face so why is he acting oh so mighty old

as the smell of bacon and eggs hit my nose making my arm hairs rise from the delicious aromas
"Good morning, " I say showing my best fake smile

"Good morning!" they all mumble not wanting to talk to me

I take the furthest seat away from my brothers as the voices come back again


Realising the promise I made to myself last night I make a tiny bowl of fruit loops playing around with it to make it seem like Im eating it so my brothers don't get suspicious even though they probably don't care as they talk to about work, football and girls I zone at

"Why aren't  you eating your food Bella finally realised how fat you are?" They all laugh tears begin to invade my eyesight but I wipe them away not wanting to show them how it effected me I start to fake laugh with them and they all suddenly stop I clear my throat well this is awarked  "I'm just not hungry today may I be excused I hear one of my brothers whisper good your fat And ugly enough I hear some of them snicker but don't look to see who it is Jason says I can leave the table so I put the food into the bin feeling a little guilt letting it go to waste when there are so many people at there from that little bit of food could potential save their lives

Washing my bowl up I walk up stairs and tie my converse up grabbing my bag I walk down stairs grabbing a apple reading to walk at the door I hear niko

"say where the hell are u going"

"I'm walking to school today you can go without me"

Hunter says "finally your doing something lazyass"

Without another glance I walk outside shutting the door behind me I plug my earphones in

Even though it was a forty minute walk I felt kinda relieved that I would get some exercise in and lose some calories I need it everybody knows that as well the voice comes back

Yeah I mean look at you I'm in your head and I'm still embarrassed for you your like the size of a whale I was so focused on my thoughts that before I know it the bell went off making me jump and snap at of my thoughts sighing

I Walking to the front of the office and I get my late pass and make my way to biology mr snaggy I know what a weird last name but anyways he hates my guts I don't even know why as I get to the door I knock and he opens the door glaring at me as he clench his jaw I keep my head down like I usually do as he reads through the pass he says take a seat with he teeth still clenched slamming the door shut I make my way to the back of the classroom which is wear the teacher put me probably so he wouldn't have to see my ugly face

As I sit down in my seat it's the only one in the classroom that has writing on it from my bullies which is nearly the whole school I don't know why everyone hates me
Slut,fatty,pig etc was write all over my table I ignore it like always and just try to pry all attention away from me

The day goes by quick and before I know it lunch time  came around school hasn't been that bad today only a few punches and kicks here and there and some name calling but it better then most days I have

Everyone rushes to the Lunch room to buy food first today's my favourite day on a Monday they always have  serving of burgers with a side of onion rings or French fries I past the amazing smell and keep reminding myself I'm fat enough as I make my way to the library the books are my only friend it lets me escape my reality and yes you heard correctly I dont have any friends I understand nobody want to be friends with someone who is fat as me

My stomach rumbles begging for food so I pull the apple out of my bag and munch on that as I read the book divergent until the bell goes

The rest of the day passed slowly and now I'm walking home today I didn't see my brothers and my main bullies so it was a okay day for me

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