twenty three

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chapter twenty three | no one's point of view.

"oh my gosh, i've missed you all so much," eileen says once she sees all of her friends pile out of the car

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"oh my gosh, i've missed you all so much," eileen says once she sees all of her friends pile out of the car.

it was finally the day her friends had came down to move to los angeles. the boys didn't move into their dorm until tomorrow, so they would be staying at eileen's, except for sam. he was staying at jessie and halle's apartment.

"holy shit. i missed your little weird ass," dylan says, coming up to pull her into a warm hug. they pull away and she smirks up at him.

"HEY," jessie exclaims, pulling eileen into a bear hug. she giggles and returns it, and soon halle comes in. "this is the longest we've ever been apart," halle points out and eileen nods, pulling away from her two friends.

"hey you," tristan says with a soft smile on his lips. eileen looks up and smiles at him before pulling him into a warm hug. it felt good. they hadn't seen each other in weeks.

"okay so what do you guys wanna do today?" eileen asks, once they're all seated in her apartment. her parents were gone at their house, seeing as eileen lived in the apartments next to them.

sam shrugs. "i need to go get a shit ton of stuff for my dorm today." jessie looks up and nods. "me and halle need to get stuff for apartment. why don't we all just meet up later tonight?" she asks and eileen shrugs, and so do the others. "alright, i'll see y'all later. be careful," dylan says, as sam, jessie and halle drive off. eileen looks towards the two dark haired boys and shrugs.

"we could go skating," tristan suggests. dylan nods, smirking over at eileen. "wanna see your ass eat shit," he teases. she laughs and shrugs. "i'm cool with it." they all hop in her car, starting to drive to the other side of town to the skateboarding park. this was the one aaron had taken her to yesterday, and she was familiar with it.

"so what's up with that aaron guy?" dylan asks, peaking over at eileen from his spot in the passengers seat. her cheeks heat up, and tristan doesn't miss it. "ooh, tell us," he encourages. eileen shrugs.

"nothing really to tell." dylan rolls his eyes and nudges her shoulder. "cut the crap, eileen. spill the tea."

she sighs. "me and ethan went to this party like two nights ago and they were there. you know how vinnie is, all rude and shit. he basically kicked me out of his room to talk to this girl. i'm pretty sure they used to talk," she quietly says. tristan groans. "dude, he's such a piece of shit. he acts like his shit don't stink. i don't like him." dylan furrows his eyebrows. "what does that have to do with aaron?" "well, after he kicked me out, i was gonna leave, but aaron stopped me. asked me to get in n out. and we just hung out. then we went skating yesterday. it was fun. i swear, y'all would love him, he's so fucking funny," she gushes.

𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now