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Leta sat in Charms, tapping on the desk in attempt to drown out Remus and Sirius bickering behind her

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Leta sat in Charms, tapping on the desk in attempt to drown out Remus and Sirius bickering behind her.

"Your so stupid Sirius!" Remus shouted at Sirius as he elbowed the boy to move up, his loud and rough tone making everyone look at him in shock.

"I wouldn't be surprised. He is a product of incest." Leta spoke, not looking back to the boys but instead scribbling down the notes the Professor put on the chalkboard.

Sirius stuck his tongue out at this girl in a immature way which made Remus shake his head in disappointment. "I saw that!" Leta shouted ,still writing down,which made Remus and James chuckle and Sirius look at her in confusion.

"The old hag can see out the back of her head." He whispered to Remus beside him. "And hear behind her." Leta said, looking around and throwing an empty ink bottle at Sirius which he failed to catch it.

Leta sat on a broken wall in the courtyard of the school, flicking her cigarette every once and a while. She lifted it to her mouth but someone pushed it out of her hands and onto the floor, then stomping on it and twisting their heel to put it out.

"What the-" Leta was cut off by her older sister who pulled her arm to get her off of the wall. "Why are you smoking?" Minette asked her sister, brushing dust from the decaying wall off her shoulder. "You promised mother you would stop."

Leta bit the bottom corner of her lip as she avoided eye contact with her sister. "I was stressed. I had a potions assessment." She answered, finally looking at her sister in the eyes as she huffed and rolled her eyes. "I have twelve different N.E.W.T.s to study for and if I don't get top marks I will be ridiculed for as long as father can remember." The Head Girl snapped in a firm and threatening tone which made the girl quietly apologise.

"Sorry, I'm just stressed." Minette apologised to her sister who looked down at the ground.
Leta never cared what anyone sis for thought unless it included someone she loved such as Regulus however when it was her sister or mother she knew she messed up or disappointed them.

Leta took the packet of cigarettes and handed them to her older sister who put them in her pockets in order to discard of them.

"I think you are going to help me with my duties." Minette told her as Leta fiddled with her silver earring. She huffed and watched as her sister walk off. "It wasn't a question." She spat making Leta hurry after her.

"Regulus?" Minette said when she noticed the boy who rushed around the hallways with a box in his hand. The boy looked over, smiling at the Head Girl then a expression of shock when he saw Leta moping behind her.

"What's this?" The girl asked, rolling her eyes as Leta ran towards them when she saw Regulus. "It's Sirius's birthday present." The boy answered with a smile. "Oh when is it?"

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