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Leta brushed her messy and tangled hair into a tight ponytail and pulled up a pair of black leggings and slipped on her Slytherin jersey

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Leta brushed her messy and tangled hair into a tight ponytail and pulled up a pair of black leggings and slipped on her Slytherin jersey. It was early in the morning and she was going down to the Quidditch to get ready for the match later that afternoon. She had had been told she got the position of Keeper the week before and she was excited to play her first game and "lucky" for her, it was Slytherin vs Gryffindor.

She ran down to the Quidditch pitch, surprisingly not being completely out of breath when she got there. It was a frosty and cold morning and the tips of the blades of grass were a pearl white. The pitch was empty and it was barely dawn so no one was up.

She began jogging around the pitch, her hair swinging side to side behind her as she ran around. Her warm breath fogged up the area around her, leaving it as she continued to run. She had made it seven laps around the pitch when she collapsed onto the floor, sprawling herself out on the grass as she took deep breaths, the frost of the grass melting and soaking her back.

She quickly turned her head to the stands were a figure stood, clearing their throat to catch her attention. "What do you want Potter?" She asked, putting her head back on the ground and closing her eyes as she heard the boy walk down towards her.

"I was going to get ready for the match." He replied, his hands in his pockets as he stood beside the Slytherin who still had her eyes closed. "But it's more fun to watch you collapse on the floor." He smirked at the girl who sighed loudly, then sitting up as she wiped her forehead.

James put out his hand, offering to help her up which she rejected and pushed herself up from the floor, wiping the back of her legs from grass. "What position are you again?" She asked him as she walked away to get her broomstick which was stood up by the stands.

"Chaser." He replied, leaning on his broom, his head resting on the top as he watched the girl who walked back. "And your a Keeper so I guess we could play a-"

Leta interrupted him, throwing a quaffle which James didn't even see her pick up at him. "I accept your invitation. Winner get 10 galleons." She said with a smug look and her hand out for a hand shake. He raised his eyebrows at her in suspicion then reluctantly shook her with a determined look.

James flew as fast as he could and threw the quaffle with all his strength, huffing when she caught it but occasionally cheering when it slid out of her hands and through the hoop. It was however many James was able to get through and how many Leta was able to stop. James had currently gotten 5 through but Leta was able to stop 6 so she was in the lead, a fact James was determined to change.

He flew to her, leaning as far as he could on his broom to accelerate towards he and pulled his arm back to throw it. "Leta!" Regulus shouted, his hands cupped around his mouth to make his voice reach further.

Leta began to lower down towards him when she noticed James pull back his arm and throw it into a hoop making their score even. "Hey!" Leta shouted, flying back up to face the smug boy. "That was a foul! It didn't count!"

She began chasing him around the pitch, through stands and around the tall towers were the teacher sat. Leta couldn't care about Regulus wanting her, all she wanted to do was wiped that smirk off of James's face and make him stop doing that mischievous chuckle.

She finally caught up to him and jumped towards him, making the two fall to the ground together but luckily they were flying not too far from it.

Leta groaned in pain as she pushed her hair out of her face and pushed herself up. She then wiped her eyes, then widening them when she realised she had fallen on top of James and the only thing separating them was her arms which pushed her off the ground.

Regulus walked over, clearing his throat and tapping one foot on the ground, scowling at James as the two got up awkwardly, wiping the back of their necks and avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"I was going to say," He began, looking at Leta then at James with furrowed eyes brows. "You going to be late for breakfast." And with that he grabbed Leta's arm and pulled her away, glaring at James as they did so.

"Get off." She ordered, shaking her arm when he released his grip which left white hand prints on her arms. "Sorry, I'm just a little annoyed." He apologised, grabbing her arm and inspecting it carefully. "It's fine but what happened?" She asked, chuckling when Regulus had to widen his steps to catch up to the girl who raced to breakfast.

"It's just James. You need to be carful with him." He warned, letting out a sigh of relief when they reach the Great Hall and her walking became a normal pace. "You should be warning him." She chuckled, swinging her legs under the table and grabbing a bowl of cereal.

"Cereal, really?" Regulus asked, his eyebrows raised as she put a spoonful to her mouth. "What?" She asked, her mouth full after cramming it into her mouth. Regulus shook his head in disappointment at the girl, similar to what Remus does when Sirius does something stupid. "What would you want me to eat?" She asked, throwing the spoon into the bowl, trying to hold back a laugh when some milk splattered over a envious third year who drooled over Regulus.

He then grabbed a new plate and quickly grabbed different foods and put them in front of her. She looked down at her plate in disgust, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. Her plate was full of different fruits like apples and pears as well as sausages, beans and eggs. "I mean, I'm not complaining but I want my sugary cereal." She complained, hitting her fists on the table making it shake and a girls drink pour all down her.

The other girl looked down then up, opening her mouth like she was about to shout when she saw who it was, she ran out sheepishly. "See that?"  She asked, pointing at the girl who ran out. "That's were fear gets you." Regulus shook his head in disagreement and opened his mouth but stopped when he felt hands on his shoulders.

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