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"Stefano! Honey, come downstairs, I need you to do something for me!"

I heard my mom call me from downstairs while I was upstairs trying to get some homework done, but I go downstairs anyway because I'm not trying to get in trouble.

"What's up, Mom?"

My mom looked towards me after wrapping a dish in the kitchen. "I need you to take this over to the Johnsons. I fixed some cannoli to celebrate Dan coming home. Could you take it over there please,  figlio?"

"That was nice of you, Mom. And sure, I'll take it," I say, kissing my mom on the cheek. I took the cannoli dish and headed out the door.

I head towards Maya's house and it wasn't even a minute later that I was there and rang the doorbell. When the door opened, I see Maya standing there. Usually, Maya had a grin or a shy smile whenever I come over, but this time, she seemed sad. She was wearing an oversized sweater with some shorts and her hair was down with her curls covering the top of her face. Her eyes were a bit red and it looked as if she had been crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said.

Maya smiled sadly. "Nothing, I'm fine. Um, w-why are you here?"

"Oh, uh— my mom made your family some cannoli to celebrate your dad coming back. Do you want me to come back later?" I say, concerned that I may have come at a bad time. Whatever was wrong with Maya, I didn't want to make things worse.

"Aww, that was so sweet of her! And n-no, that's okay. Please come in," Maya says and takes the cannoli tray from me and walks in her house. I follow her in and close the door.

"Are your parents not home?" I ask, looking around.

"No. They went out for a little date, so I'm here by myself. I was just about to order some pizza, do you want some?" I look towards Maya and see her taking a cannoli out, and while she eats it, her eyes close and she sighs quietly. "These are so good. Make sure to thank your mom for me!" I laugh and nod.

"I will and yeah, I can stay for a couple of hours." I walk over to her and try to take a cannoli. Before I could, though, Maya smacks my hand. "Hey!"

"Hey yourself. This my first time trying cannoli and I want as many as I can get. Plus, this for my family, anyway," Maya says with a sly grin, and puts a hand on her hip.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I say, lifting my bands up in surrender and laughing.

"Now, that that's settled; what pizza do you want?"


A few pizza slices later, Maya and I were in her room watching That's So Raven on her tv. I was sitting up against her headboard with my legs spread apart. Maya was sitting against me, her back on my chest. I wasn't sure how we got into this position, but I was not complaining.

I felt Maya laugh against my chest at Raven's shenanigans at her school when she tried to trick her parents by pretending was her teacher. Maya seemed to be in a better mood than when I got here, but I was still curious of why she was sad.

"Hey. Are you going to tell me what made you upset earlier?" I ask. Maya froze for a second and moved away from my chest to sit next to me. I pouted at the movement.

"It's nothing, it's just something stupid," she said, looking down at her sleeves and pulling at them.

"No, it's not nothing," I say, turning towards her. "What happened?"

Maya was quiet for a second until she did something I wasn't expecting; she started to blush.

"Scott, do you like me?" At first, I didn't say anything because I was surprised by the question. Why wouldn't I like her?

"Of course I like you," I say, laughing a little bit.

"No, not like that. I you like like me?"

"Oh," I said softly. "What would you do if I did?"

Maya's gaze turned downward towards my lips and she took a deep breath, "I don't know. What would you want me to do?"

"First, I would ask you if you like like me back."

"Wait, so do you like me?" Maya asks slyly.

"Definitely, a lot actually. What's not to like?"

Maya gave the cutest and biggest smile I ever saw across her face. "Um...then yes. I really like you too. And I was also wondering about something..."

I could tell that she was getting shy again, so I gently moved her over so that she was sitting on my lap. "No, no, don't get shy on me. What is it?"

"Um...well...I was wondering if you...wanted to...go to homecoming with me?" Maya said while looking down as she started to pick off some lent on my shirt. Other than that, I'm beyond excited that she asked me to go to homecoming.

"You beat me to it," I say, laughing. "I would love to go to homecoming with you."

Maya looks up from my lent and gives me a huge grin and a hug. I wrap my arms around her, smiling against her neck.

After hugging for a little while, I felt Maya slowly move away, so that she was looking at me directly. As we looked into each other's eyes, I think we started to realize the position that we were in. Usually, at this point we would both move away because either we would get too shy or get interrupted. Neither of those were happening.

I start to move my fingers up and down her back, while she started to move her hand towards my face. Her fingers move across my face slowly, from my eyebrows, to my nose, and then she stops at my lips. My hands freeze on her back.

She starts to slowly move in and finally her lips were on mine.



Translations: figlio: son

I think this might be the best cliffhanger I've had so far. I'm so happy!! Finally, the waiting has come to an end. Let's just hope they don't get interrupted... Anyway, I apologize once again for the long wait. School is very tiring and your girl has a job now, so I don't have as much time to write🥺🥺 However, I believe that there will only be a few more chapters left until the end, so thank you for those who have stuck with me from the very beginning and those who are new thank you so much! As always remember to vote and comment your thoughts! Until next time on Finding You byeeeeee!!

Finding YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora