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I'm not really a talker. I prefer to listen and observe, rather than to actually say something. So, imagine my surprise when Ariana drags me to talk to Trevor with her. Honestly, I just wanted to get to class and start on the warmup that was bound to be completed before the bell. To say I was being held up was an understatement.

"I heard there was a party tonight," Trevor gossips to us. I don't have anything against Trevor, really. I just didn't know him enough. Apparently, he and Ariana have become buddy-buddy over the last couple of days. I was glad that he was making some friends; he's already doing better than I've been doing for the last 3 years.

"Oh right, I heard about that," Ariana says raising her perfectly shaped eyebrows. Ari glanced down at me, "Did you want to go Maya?"

"That's gonna be a no from me dawg," I say. This wasn't the first time Ari has asked me to accompany her to a party, and every time she's asked I've said the astounding no.

"Aw come on, please. You've never been to a party before, sis. That needs to change," Ariana complains grabbing onto my arm.

"Yeah, I'll be there too so it could be fun," Trevor adds on shrugging his shoulders.

I really didn't like the whole idea of seeing my classmates more than usual and seeing them do things that are illegal in my book, parties just aren't appealing to me.

"I don't feel like going, you guys, I wouldn't feel comfortable," I say pleading my case.

"That's why we'll stay with you the whole time," Ari says pointing between her and Trevor.

Okay, that was a comforting thought, I guess. But, I still felt hesitant. I would be entering an environment I knew nothing about and that scared the crap out of me. It's not like the library, where I can find the book I'm looking for in my sleep.

"Where is this party anyway?" I asked.

"Taylor Banks' house, I believe," Trevor says scrolling through his phone.

Taylor Banks. A senior. One of the most popular girls in the whole school. I've never had a conversation with her and I'd rather keep it that way. From what I've heard she can either be super nice or super mean to people. I'm guessing she was nice to people who were closer to her popularity status and wasn't nice to people who weren't. Taylor and I probably wouldn't get along.

I think Ariana noticed my troubled expression and said, "Hey, don't worry about that. You probably won't even get in contact with her. There's going to be a ton of other people there anyway." Ariana reassures me. Before she could say anything further, the warning bell rung.

"Crap! I gotta go, bye!" I tell Trevor and Ariana before I speed walk down the hallway. No running in the hallways. Ever.


It was finally my study hall period, which also happened to be my last period of the day. However, I never like being in my actual study hall class because everyone just talks too much and talks too loud, so I headed to the library.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Stevens," I greet the librarian who is always in the library when I am.

"Hello, Maya how has your day been?" Mrs. Stevens asks me politely looking at me from behind the checkout desk.

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