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-: sixth year :-


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"So why exactly am I needed for you two to take a trip to the Owlery?" Elodie asked, shivering in the early morning cold. "I understand that you were up all night devising this plan thing.. but couldn't it wait until after breakfast at a slightly more acceptable time?"

"We have a lot to get through." Fred replied. "So, when we've delivered this, we'll go to the kitchens and get breakfast then break into the library." 

"Break in-" Elodie looked over at him, slightly nervous. "I thought Pince hated the both of you, if she catches you in there.."

"We were banned ages ago El, all she can do is take behaviour points off of us. Really, it's nothing. Besides, we should be in and out in half an hour." George told her. 

"Which means we need to get there in half an hour so that we have half an hour before she gets up and even thinks about her precious library. It won't take us long to deliver this letter, and I convinced the house-elves to make some brioche for us." Fred shrugged, linking his arm with Elodie. 

"You remembered?" Elodie asked, looking at Fred with sort of smile that had him somewhat weak in the knees. Brioche was something that Elodie ate on a daily basis back home, but hadn't had it since she left Beauxbatons.

"Of course I did - I do actually pay attention during our conversations." Fred winked at her, and beside them, George gagged. "You were perfectly welcome to bring Angelina. Besides, it wasn't that bad." 

"Still, my fault for agreeing to come along. After how Ellie reacted to finding out we were going to the Owlery then I should have left you both right there." George shuddered as they reached said building, beginning to climb the way to the top. 

"Back to my plan." Fred said, forcing the smirk off of his face as he spotted the Beaumont girl blushing once again. "After we get the books I've picked out from the library, then we can go to the old classroom on the fifth floor. Stole the keys from Filch years ago, don't worry about it love. Me and Georgie can get you anywhere in this castle." 

"Noted." Elodie nodded. "So what letter are we here to send then?" She asked, as they climbed up the stairs. 

"Well you know Bagman?" George said. "Slippery little bastard. Bet us some money and won't give us it. But.. that's blackmail, that is, we could get into a lot of trouble for that." George seemed to be having second thoughts. 

"We've tried being polite; it's time to play dirty, like him. He wouldn't like the Ministry of Magic knowing what he did." Fred replied, clearly having already argued this.

"I'm telling you, if you put that in writing, it's blackmail!" George continued. "Ellie, tell him it's blackmail." 

"Blackmail works sometimes." Elodie shrugged, and Fred smirked. "But.. if you could get in trouble." She looked up to Fred, who shrugged. 

"Yeah, and neither of you will be complaining if we get a nice fat payoff, will you?" Fred replied, reaching forward and pushing open the door into the Owlery with a bang, the three of them freezing when they walked in. 

In front of them, stood Ron, Harry and Hermione. 

"What're you doing here?" Ron and Fred said at the same time.  

"Sending a letter," said Harry and George in unison.  

"What, at this time?" said Hermione and Elodie, the Beaumont girl trying to stifle her yawn.

"Fine — we won't ask you what you're doing, if you don't ask us," Fred said, with a grin, the two trios staring back at each other. Harry looked down at the envelope in his hands, and he quickly moved it so that he was hiding who it was adressed to. 

"Well, don't let us hold you up," Fred said, making a mock bow and pointing at the door, clearly expecting the three fourth years to leave. 

Ron didn't move. "Who're you blackmailing?" he said. The grin fell from Fred's face, and George half-glanced at his twin. Elodie didn't react, a perfectly blank expression on her face. 

Don't be stupid, I was only joking," George said easily with a smile to his brother. 

"Didn't sound like that," said Ron. Elodie was taking the time to look around the Owlery - she hadn't had that much of a chance last time she was there. 

Fred and George looked at each other. Then Fred said abruptly, "I've told you before, Ron, keep your nose out if you like it the shape it is. Can't see why you would, but -"

"It's my business if you're blackmailing someone," said Ron. "George and Elodie's right, you could end up in serious trouble for that."

"Told you, I was joking," said George. He walked over to Fred,pulled the letter out of his hands, and began attaching it to the leg of the nearest barn owl. "You're starting to sound a bit like our dear older brother, you are, Ron. Carry on like this and you'll be made a prefect."

"No, I won't!" said Ron hotly. That seemed to be rather trying topic for the youngest Weasley brother. 

George carried the barn owl over to the window and it took off. George turned around and grinned at Ron. "Well, stop telling people what to do then. See you later."

The three of them exited the Owlery, walking in silence until they reached the bottom of the stairs. "So who are we blackmailing then?" Elodie asked, and when Fred looked her way, some what shocked, there was a rather endearing glint of mischief in her eyes. 

Never mind the smile, that was enough to make him weak in the knees.

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now