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-: sixth year :-


. . .

After the introductions between their families, the Beaumonts and Weasley set off on their seperate tours of the grounds, with promises to meet up for lunch, which Elodie was sure she could eat at the Gryffindor table.

And Fleur would be more than happy to sit with them, Elodie suspected. It seemed that her best friend had quite the thing for Bill Weasley, with his long hair and jagged piercings. Of course, Fred's mum and older brother were more than happy with this arrangement as well.

"He seems nice." Mrs Beaumont commented as they emerged from the the corridors and into one of the many courtyards around the castle. "Was that a twin I saw?" She asked.

Célia had been holding back on asking her daughter any questions about the boy who she had been introduced to as Elodie's boyfriend. Up until then, Elodie had been talking about the first two tasks in far too much detail, and had only just finished her retelling of the second task when her mum sprung the questions upon her.

"Yes, his name is George." Elodie nodded, shifting awkwardly as her mother decided on a bench she wanted them to sit on and pulling Elodie and Alexander over to it, leaving behind a small group of girls who had begun to fawn over her older brother.

"Twins, double trouble. They haven't been getting you into any trouble, have they?" Célia looked rather serious. "From your report that we recieved from Madame Maxime there seemed to be no difference in your grades despite the change - there isn't anything I should be made aware of?"

"Mum!" Elodie exclaimed. "Why do you always assume that something is wrong with them. You did this when I last talked about a boyfriend with you. Fred isn't even my boyfriend yet, anyway."

"But he will be soon." Mrs Beaumont winked and Elodie let out a sigh. "You haven't answered my question yet, are they good students? What are they planning on doing after graduating next year."

"They are good students." Elodie replied, already knowing that she had made a mistake of introducing Fred to her family as her boyfriend. Now if she even wanted to ask about transferring, all the questions would be about Fred, and there would be nothing about why she actually wanted to move to Hogwarts.

Elodie froze, falling silent as the thought crossed her mind. Not once had a thought regarding her moving had been so definite, they had always been deliberating with the rather long imaginary list of pros and cons. But that seemed to be her decision.

Alexander nudged her, and she blinked, looking between her mother and brother. If her father was here this would have a much more joking tone to it, Samuel Beaumont would have taken the protective father stance, but the whole thing would have been for fun, and the intensity would have been taken away.

"They're going to open a joke shop." Elodie said simply, and something flickered in Célia's eye. "And I don't want to hear anything about how this isn't going to work out, they already have plenty of products made and  have planned it all. And even though they're not close to graduating, they're already running it." 

Célia Beaumont was either rather pleased with this information, or not at all. Alexander looked between his mother and sister, before clearing his throat. "They're entrepreneurs, mum." He quickly said, hoping to remedy the situation. "And from the sounds of it, it seems as if they're rather successful with this idea so far."

"Is that so?" Célia turned to her son, eyes brushing over her daughter. A sigh escaped Elodie's lips, not liking the condescending tone her mother had taken on. Usually, she was a great mother - but had always disapproved of things like that. Elodie hadn't really had any attachment to pranks or anything before, only enjoying quite a few of her own that she played very secretly.

Fred might not be her boyfriend yet, despite her introducing him as one. But he might as well have been, and either way, boyfriend or not, Elodie was going defend him and his brother, her best friend.

"It's their passion. Just like how I'm good at potions. And their talents and passions aren't just limited to potions, they can do all sorts. And I must be absolutely crazy not waiting to talk to you and Dad together about this, but I'm already going off on a tangent defending Fred and George, so I might as well be out with it now." She began, Alexander and Célia staring at her, her rather loud, very quick French drawing the attention of a few Hogwarts students, girls still swooning over her brother right at the front.

"I love Hogwarts. And Dad did too. He's only ever spoken highly of this school, and now that I'm here I understand why. I love this place, I feel so comfortable and at home here. I've already talked about it with Madame Maxime, and Fleur and Amelie understand completely. I was planning on asking for your permission in the summer, but I would just like to inform you that I am considering transferring here for my final year." Elodie continued, the tension so clearly around the three that the crowd continued watched, even if they had no idea what was being said.

"I know, you must think I have a death wish." She laughed humorlessly at the sight of her brother's face. "But I have no idea how tonight is going to work out, so technically you can't get mad at me because I could very well be dead before midnight."

"Oh don't be dramatic." Célia said. "I have no idea why you're being so confrontational, I didn't say a bad word about that boyfriend of yours and his twin." Despite her harsh words, her bottom lip seemed to tremble. "You can't move from Beauxbatons. No need to involve your father in this."

"You're forgetting I'm seventeen." Elodie said dryly. "If you wish to find out more about how I am in class, I suggest you look for Professor McGonagall. I hope you don't get lost." The Beaumont girl stood up. "I'll see you at lunch."

She winced as she stalked away, and when she had calmed down, she knew it was all an overreaction. The poor girl was absolutely terrified of the task that night, and just couldn't deal with any idea that she might not be able to move to the school she had grown love.

And so she had just told them about it. Confronted the first of her demons. The second would be the lunch with them, and the final would be that very night. 

And after it all, they would talk properly about it. But for now, emotions were high and Elodie would just have to deal with it. She had no other choice.

i want to see no célia
slander, she doesn't not like fred
and george because of their 
business and aims, she dislikes
pranks. elodie would be under
a lot of stress to make her come out with
all of that, and it is in no way because
she dislikes célia. she does not
have a bad relationship with her
mum and thats it.

ok ty <3

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