42. Pictures

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The next day, Pierre and Hannah drove down accompanied by Bear. I had never been happier to see them. They came to pick me up, saying a qui ck hello to Ellie, Jennifer and Michael. I'd caught Ellie up about my brother and she was extremely excited to meet him, but I made sure their introduction was brief, wanting to get out as soon as possible. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy being at Ellie's house, but I just wanted... my own space. To be with family. That was what I needed at the moment.

Both Pierre and Hannah gave me big hugs and introduced me to Bear, who was the most excitable and gorgeous puppy I'd met. They'd been given the keys to the new flat, and all of their belongings were being driven down later today in a moving van. I would have to go back to the Moore's at some point to collect all of my things, but I just couldn't face it yet. Both Catherine and Mark had texted me and Catherine had tried to ring me. I couldn't imagine why they'd want to talk to me if they knew what had gone down. Of course, maybe they didn't. But Alice had to have told them.

I thought Sunday morning would be a good time to pick up my things. Pierre would help me, it wouldn't take too long. Alice would be at dance, Mark would be sailing, and Catherine would likely be out somewhere – she tended to go and get coffee with friends on Sunday mornings. As for Joseph... I couldn't imagine he'd be in the house at all. He would probably disappear for a bit, just like he did after the argument with his parents about Violetta.

We arrived at the new house after a short car journey from Ellie's. Our new house. This was going to be my home. I looked up, taking it in. It was a lovely stone terraced house, a mere 5-minute walk if not less from the beach, right in the centre of town. The road was pretty and quaint, very residential and quiet enough that we wouldn't be kept up late at night by the loud residents who drink a bit too much at the pub.

Pierre let us in, leading us into a bright, airy hallway which followed through to a large open plan kitchen and living room. The back wall was fitted with large windows that looked out onto a small garden which included a patio area with a couple of outdoor sofas. A trip upstairs showed the two bedrooms, each with an en-suite bathroom.

"Pierre, how much was this?" I was in awe. Both bedrooms were a good size, with large built in wardrobes.

Pierre just laughed. "Newacre isn't super expensive, Lil. Besides, I had a lot saved up. I've been saving up since I was seventeen. I take it you like it?"

I just nodded. "This would be my room?" Mine was slightly smaller than Pierre and Hannah's, but it was perfect for me.

"Yes. And check out the view."

I went to the window and sure enough, I could see all the way to the sea. It was beautiful. I smiled. Actually smiled. "It's... it's amazing." I turned to him. "Thank you so much, Pierre. And thank you, Hannah," I added as Hannah appeared in the doorway.

"Of course." Hannah beamed at me. She had to be one of the happiest, most optimistic people I'd ever met. "I'm so excited to live down here. It's going to be fantastic."

I sincerely hoped so.

The moving vans arrived later in the day with all their things, and we had a great time unpacking and decorating the house to make it homier. I put on some upbeat songs and played them loudly while we moved everything in. The before-empty living area now had two grey sofas with blue and white cushions on them, a wooden dining table surrounded by white chairs, and was adorned with plants and vases and other bits and pieces.

"We'll take a trip to IKEA, too," Pierre told me as he hung up various pictures on the walls. "So we can get desks and things. I think it'd be good to have one in your room."

It probably would be, what with my A-levels coming up.

Once everything had been unpacked, I borrowed some of Hannah's clothes to go out for lunch. We went to a small Spanish restaurant a little bit outside of town but still on the coast, where we ate delicious tapas. Pierre and Hannah then insisted on taking me shopping even though I had lots of clothes at the Moore's, and when I protested, Hannah merely said, "New house, new clothes. We don't make the rules."

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