Chapter 20: The sins of the father...

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Chapter 20

~Caron’s POV~

He’s dead.

I’m gonna skin him alive for this! Was I asking too much whenever I lay down rules for his own damn protection?

Laken you’re not going to Canada...I told him a million times and what does he do? He goes to Canada.

I stuffed the last of my clothing into the bag then looked around to see if I was leaving anything. Satisfied that I wasn’t I zipped it, grabbed my cell phone off the table and in no time I was loading my things into my car. I’d booked an eight o’clock flight, which meant Laken had been alone with Lucas all day. Dammit!

I’d wanted to get away this morning when I’d found out what he’d done but pack obligations kept me grounded. On top of that finals started tomorrow and I had yet to take up a book.

My plan was to get Laken and head back here as soon as possible, I’d already bought his return ticket so all I had to do was get him in time and heaven help him if he tried to resist! This time he was going to listen to me even if I had to literally drag him back.

Canada was a bad idea, something didn’t feel right about this trip and for once it had nothing to do with Lucas’s obsession with my mate. No this wasn’t jealousy, it ran deeper, something had me on edge, so I had to go in get the little devil and get out. Smooth, quick, painless. The sooner the better.

It was as I was about to enter my car that I heard it, loud footsteps shuffling around in the dark. The hairs on my arm rose and I looked out into the night.


I turned again to enter and there it was again, the shuffling.

Closing the car door I stepped away from it and gazed around the courtyard, taking in everything in sight.

“Who’s there?” I called out into the night.

More shuffling.

Body tense, I walked even further into the courtyard, listening intently for the sound. Something wasn’t right here, something was out there.

“Well well well, if it isn’t the dear old Alpha.”

 I swung around at the sound in time to see four males appearing out of the darkness; they stepped into the courtyard, then paused.

“And you are?” I asked, hackles rising.

“Doesn’t matter who we are.” Another voice spoke up from behind me. When I looked around another group stood not far away, about six of them. How the hell did they sneak up on me without me hearing? My senses had never failed me before. I must be more on edge about the whole Laken situation than I thought.

“What do you want?” I called out, turning so that I had both groups in sight, my eyes darting back and forth.

“You sure love asking questions don’t you Alpha?” yet another voice inquired. Once again I was turning to see who the next intruder was and yet another group of three stood in the clearing; two males and a female.

My eyes narrowed; “Are there anymore of you I should know about or are you going to continue playing hide and seek?”

“Tut tut, touchy touchy.”

Of course why wasn’t I surprised to see four more break out of the darkness? I’d never seen these faces in my life and the fact that they seemed to know who I was and had me surrounded without so much as the courtesy of answering any of my questions,  made it obvious that this wasn’t a very friendly bunch. It was also obvious that they were werewolves just by their stance and scent.

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