Part 1

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Anakin likes to send you daily pre-recorded holograms while he is on missions with Obi-Wan. Usually, these are short and sweet — just brief moments of him standing in his dark Jedi Knight attire, hands hidden in the sleeves of his robe.

He'll smile, his head tilted slightly, and give you a little nod before saying something like, "Hello, my love," or "Good morning, angel." These you replay throughout the day as you go about your business, despite them being nearly identical to previous ones he sent. You just need to hear him talk to you — the sound of Anakin's voice always makes you feel as though he's licking wine off your thighs; it's so deep and smooth, like warm golden syrup. After nearly two years together, Anakin's voice still makes you quiver.

When Anakin is unable to send holograms for whatever reason, he'll send you text-only messages. You always worry when these come in, despite his constant reassurances that he's fine and there is no need to be alarmed.

However, there is one thing you look forward to when Anakin has to communicate via text: he has started using emojis. He thinks they help alleviate your concerns and lighten the mood of his messages. The fact that Anakin uses emojis delights you to no end. The first time he sent you a text with a 😉, you saved a backup copy to your datapad for safekeeping (after sharing it with your closest friends in a group chat, of course).

During the past several months (Anakin has been gone a long time), the two of you have developed a sort of "drunk text" emoji language. Several messages have consisted of nothing more than Anakin sending you the 🍆 , 😻 , and 😏 emojis. Or the 🤤  — twenty times in a row, with a few  🥵  thrown in for good measure. He sent the 🍌 once, but neither of you could figure out if the fact that the banana was mid-peel was a good or a bad thing, so you both agreed never to use it again.

Yesterday, Anakin finally sent you a proper hologram, his first one in weeks. It arrived very early in the morning. He must have just woken up; he was in his sleeping pants, shirtless, metal arm bare, his golden-brown curls still mussed from his pillow. "I dreamt about you last night, Y/N," Anakin rubbed his taut stomach with his metal hand, grinning at you, "It felt so real — I could taste you and smell your skin. It was like you were here with me."

He paused, giving you a knowing look, "Do you ever dream of me, my love?" He flirtatiously raised his eyebrows and ended the transmission. You were left sitting on the couch, hugging your holo-messenger to your chest and sighing, a warm wet patch spreading in your underwear, feeling lonely and horny all at once.

Today, a few intricately wrapped packages from Anakin arrived at your doorstep. He sent them after you told him about an embarrassing incident you had with the protocol droid he built right before he left on his most recent mission. The droid, which Anakin christened "Gronk," was supposed to help you with chores around the apartment, like laundry and cooking.

"Now, you won't have to deal with all the boring domestic stuff you hate," Anakin patted the shiny 3PO-series protocol droid with his gloved hand. "Say hello to Gronk, Y/N! You guys are going to get along so well!" Anakin's grin lit up his face; he was confident that he had just improved your life immensely.

You eyed Gronk suspiciously, "Uh, hello, Gronk," you nodded at the droid.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Y/N," Gronk replied robotically before wandering off to look for a broom to sweep the kitchen floor.

Anakin beamed as he watched Gronk puttering about the kitchen. Catching your boyfriend's eye, you mouthed, "What the fuck is a Gronk?" He just chuckled and put his arm around you, still proudly gazing at his latest creation.

About a week after Anakin left, the Gronk shit hit the fan. You awoke to a loud metallic bang and then unintelligible robotic screeching. Running out of your bedroom, you saw Gronk leaning over the balcony, throwing all your underpants and bras down onto the busy street below, shouting, "COMMANDO! COMMANDO!"

"Bad, Gronk! No!" Panicking, you grabbed as much of your underwear as possible from Gronk's flailing mechanical arms before cornering him and locking him in the broom closet.
Peering over the ledge of the balcony, you spotted several Coruscant citizens, cheering and waving your undergarments over their heads triumphantly.

Your hologram to Anakin that morning was not a happy one. You also sent off a strongly worded text message, just in case he could not playback your hologram due to "technical difficulties."

"Aw — I'm so sorry, my love!" a tiny Anakin hologram stood before you, trying very hard to suppress his laughter. You heard Obi-Wan's muffled giggling in the background. Anakin addressed him by looking off to the side, "Not now, Master!" Anakin waved his gloved hand at Obi-Wan to silence the older Jedi before bringing it up to his mouth in a fruitless attempt to hide his smirk. No longer able to maintain his composure, Anakin doubled over laughing so hard that he fell to the floor, crying out, "Y/N is gonna be so pissed at me! Fucking Gronk! AHAHAHAHAHA!" The hologram cut off at that point.

A few hours later, you received a text-only message from Anakin: "I'm so sorry, my love. I will smash Gronk when I get back. Or better yet, call Master Yoda and tell him you'd like to make an anonymous donation to the Jedi Temple. I'll send you some new sexy underwear to make it up to you. You have to admit it was kinda funny! I love you — Your handsome General."

The packages from Anakin had taken months to arrive. By this point, you had even forgotten he was sending you underwear. You replaced the missing pairs the day following the "COMMANDO" incident, leaving for the shops immediately after two young padawans came to pick up Gronk and transport him to the Jedi Temple.

"Anakin definitely wrapped these," you mutter to yourself as you slice through layer after layer of protective packing tape with a kitchen knife. Each of the ten packages holds another smaller box inside. These flat rectangular boxes are meticulously wrapped in glossy crimson paper and tied with a black satin bow, "For my love — Anakin."

You shriek with laughter as you open the first package to find it contains several pairs of cotton 'granny panties.' There's a note from Anakin on top, "I know you need these for your time of the month ;)"

The rest of the packages are filled with sexy underpants and matching bras, along with a few stockings and garter sets. You giggle, picturing Anakin and Obi-Wan shopping together in lingerie stores on distant planets. Anakin probably bought them on his own, but it is still an amusing scenario to imagine.

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