Part 3

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Anakin's plan to come home to you is ill-conceived and not well-executed. However, he is a desperate man. He needs to see you, his soulmate, his one true love. Oh, how he aches for you! Your eyes, your laugh, the way you understand him like no other. Plus, he's extremely horny.

"Desperate times... ooof, call for desperate measures! Ow!... Aargh! Fucking — ugh! Mother schutta!" Anakin grunts as the three clones circling him in his sleeping quarters begin pummeling him with their helmets. This self-induced ass-kicking is Anakin's plan: the clones beating on him to the point that he will need to be sent home to Coruscant (and you) to recuperate.

Just as Anakin collapses to the floor, keeled over in pain, arms crossed over his chest, clutching his ribcage, Obi-Wan knocks on his door.

"Anakin! Are you all right?! It sounds like quite the commotion is happening in there!" He pauses to listen through the door as Anakin groans and howls while encouraging the clones to continue.

"That's right, Rex!... Aargh!! Keep it up, men! Uhh!" Anakin barks out his orders while writhing on the floor in agony.

"Anakin?! What is happening? I'm coming in!" Obi-Wan rams Anakin's door open with his shoulder.

Laying in the fetal position on the floor, Anakin looks up at Obi-Wan with a sheepish grin. "It wasn't locked, Master. You could have just turned the knob."

The clones chuckle and pause, holding their helmets in mid-air.

"Hello, men," Obi-Wan nods his greeting at the clones. "Please leave us; I'd like a word with General Skywalker."

"Yes, General Kenobi!" Rex nods.

"Of course, Sir." The clones file out of Anakin's room.

"Anakin, are you alright?" Obi-Wan extends a hand to his former padawan, helping him to his feet. "You seem... unwell."

"Master, I wanted to talk to you about taking some leave. I feel... uh, exhausted. Ugh." Anakin groans, clutching his side with his gloved hand as he sits on his bed.

"Hmm," Obi-Wan strokes his beard absentmindedly while gazing at a spot just above Anakin's head. "And this wouldn't have anything to do with a certain young lady? The one who had the unfortunate incident with Gronk at her apartment?"

"Oh no, Master! Not at all! I'm just... fatigued. All these injuries I've sustained in battle recently. Phew! They've really taken their toll." Anakin gestures to his torso, struggling to keep a straight face, but he can't help himself and starts laughing.

"That's not very convincing, I must say. If we are going to tell the council I am sending you home for 15 days leave, you're going to have to be able to sell it to them..." Obi-Wan chuckles, "Nevermind, I'll do all the explaining."

"Really, Master?!... Ooof!" Anakin stands up but quickly sits back down again, wincing.

"Yes, Commander Tano and I will take over leading the 501st in your absence," Obi-Wan nods, smiling at Anakin. "You really didn't have to go to these lengths, Anakin. You should have just asked me." The older Jedi sighs, muttering to himself, "I don't know why I'm surprised by anything you do anymore."

"Thank you, Master! I owe you one, Obi-Wan!" Anakin is positively beaming as he begins packing a bag, gathering up his clothing by using the Force.

"Go! Go on home, Anakin! Just be sure to do some healing meditation first — you'll be of no use to your lady friend in your current state!" Obi-Wan shakes his head, laughing, and quietly closes Anakin's door behind him.

Anakin forces himself to meditate on healing his bumps and bruises for approximately 30 minutes. He doesn't have the patience to sit still any longer than that and decides he's well enough to travel. As he runs to his custom yellow Eta-2 Actis-class starfighter, he shoots off a quick text to you: "I'm finally coming home to you, my love, my sweet peach!"

Your heart sings as you read his text. You hadn't smiled this hard since before Anakin left. Putting down your datapad, you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the floor-to-ceiling glass panes behind the couch. You grimace, realizing you've been wearing the same sleeping clothes for three days. "Ugh! I look like a total sleemo." You know Anakin would be proud that you've incorporated the Huttese he's been teaching you into your daily vocabulary.

Knowing Anakin will soon be home snaps you out of your three-days-in-pajamas pity party. You practically skip to the refresher and hop into the sanisteam. Beneath the luxurious massaging jets of steaming hot water, your mind wanders to the day before Anakin left for his current mission...

It was mid-morning, and you were in the kitchen making coffee. Anakin was still asleep in your bed. After turning on the coffee pot, you felt a slight tug on the neckline of your button-down nightshirt. You were wearing the top half of Anakin's two-piece pajamas (he never wears the shirts and always gives them to you). At first, you thought you must have snagged something against the material. You were busy trying not to make too much noise. You didn't even notice when the top button popped open. As you poured yourself a mug of coffee, you felt a breezy flutter as the short hem of your nightshirt flew up, exposing your bare bottom.

"Heyyy — you're not wearing panties!" Anakin laughed as he called to you from the living room. "You're a scandalous woman, Y/N!" Glancing up from your mug, you realized Anakin had been watching you the entire time. He was sitting on the armchair directly across from the kitchen, which gave him a clear view of you.

"Are you Force-stripping me, General Skywalker?" You gasped, feigning shock as you walked into the living room, carrying two mugs of coffee."What would Obi-Wan think of such 'improper use of the Force?'" You tried to mimic Obi-Wan's voice and giggled at how ridiculous you sounded.

Anakin watched you walk towards him with a cat-that-ate-the-canary grin spread across his handsome face. He raised his eyebrows and made a slight downward gesture with his flesh hand. All the buttons on your nightshirt popped open, revealing your breasts to him.

"I don't want to talk about Obi-Wan," Anakin chuckled as you put the mugs down on the side table next to his armchair.

"That's better," he murmured as you straddled him, your breasts jutting in his face. Keeping eye contact with you, he gently bit one of your nipples while slowly sliding his metal hand down your hip to grope your ass...

"OH, SHIT!" You shriek as the sanisteam suddenly turns ice cold on your ladybits. Quickly pulling the shower nozzle away from between your legs, you sigh as the pleasant warm sensation and accompanying hot sexual fantasies disappear down the drain.

At least I'll have the real Anakin soon. You smile to yourself as you step out of the sanisteam, thinking about what - if anything - you should wear when he comes home.

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