xiii. the end of the beginning

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I looked in front of us, to the grand gate that stood majestically. Behind those gates was...

"Tewkesbury." I smiled, and arm in arm with Enola, we walked up to the gate, as close as it could allow us to.

Tewkesbury stood with Lady Caroline Tewkesbury, his mother that Enola and I met for the reward money. She threw a quizzical look at Tewkesbury, but upon seeing the look on his face, smiled smugly, and let him go out to us.

Tewkesbury smiled at us, lacing his hands with mine on the gate railing while Enola looked smugly at me, just like Tewkesbury's mother did.

He looked resplendent, every inch of the nobleman he was born to be. "You finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be."

Tewkesbury chuckled, looking down at his clothes uncertainly.

"No." I intervened, smiling warmly at him. "You know she's just messing with you. You actually look great."

"The vote is in an hour." He began, a slight tint to his cheeks. "It's um...it's quite the thing."

But Enola frowned, a look of realisation dawning on her face. "We're not supposed to bow, or anything, right? Now that you're...whatever you are?

"Oh..." I grinned cheekily. Not once in any of my days with Tewkesbury did I ever bow.

"Well, you were always supposed to bow, you just chose not to." He smiled.

"So...are you safe? Are you comfortable?" He questioned, before making a face. "You're not still living in those horrible lodgings, are you?"

"No." She shook her head, gesturing to me. "With Octavia's help and the reward money your mother gave us..."

"Which you both took reluctantly." He added, eyes twinkling.

"Oh shut up." She grinned. "With that, I found somewhere new. Much more comfortable."

"Thank god, I can't stand to think of you surviving in those old lodgings. And you, Octavia?" He tuned to me. "Are you doing well?"

"Oh? Well of course I am." I grinned cheekily, squeezing his hand through the gate. "I'm using the reward money to expand my shop business. I've now got quite a few employees under my arm."

"I got this dress from her shop, actually." Enola gestured to her detailed dress. "Business is booming and I got a discount."

I chuckled, smiling once more.

"Well, mother has said that there's...um...there's always room for both of you with us." He said, looking away and off into the distance.

"Your mother clearly hadn't spent enough time with us." Enola chuckled.

"That's for sure." I laughed.

"Well..." Tewkesbury began, squeezing my hand. "What if it were...I, who asked you to stay?"

I blinked, before realising that he really did just ask us to live with him.

"I suppose you're thinking of this as payback, right?" I began, "As I provided you with lodgings?"

"Well..." He began, a thoughtful look on his face, "That much is true. But I've grown fond of both of you, you are friends who've stuck with me...even when there was a hitman wanting to murder me."

Enola chuckled, but her face turned apologetic. "It's a kind offer, but one I must refuse."

"Unfortunately, the same goes for me." I said. "Running a business requires my full attention."

Tewkesbury's face fell, saddened. "How will I...when will I see you again?" He asked, voice wavering.

"You're not rid of me yet," Enola said, face incredulous and voice mocking, "Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilweather."

"And you can always find me at my shop." I said, "Or I might just visit you sometime. Basilweather Hall will look beautiful without all the blood and broken artifacts."

Tewkesbury laughed, before lifting my hand off the railing, and grazing his lips over my knuckles. "Please do. Life will be boring otherwise."

He let my hand go, and we began to walk away from the railing, leaving Tewkesbury behind. As I linked arms with Enola, I looked back at the boy, who waved and winked cheerfully at me, although I saw a single tear rolling down his cheek.

I grinned at him, a couple of tears in my eyes, waving my last goodbye before a crowd rushed past us, removing Tewkesbury from my sight.

"He likes you." Enola said simply. "And you like him. I'm not sure why you both aren't snogging each other at this very second."

"Enola!" I gasped, a very obvious blush forming on my cheeks, thankful that Tewkesbury could see us no more.

"I might just have to play matchmaker and force you two to reveal feelings, or i'll be trapped on the sidelines waiting forever." She rolled her eyes, nudging me slightly.

"All in time, Enola." I began, looking wistfully at London, stretched out before us.

"All in time."


the end.

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