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I would like to dedicate this chapter to my first ever follower! Thank you so much! Please follow princessboti5.

Louis's POV:

"Lou, Lou, Lou! Open your eyes I know you are awake. Lottie made pancakes!" Daisy practically screamed as she shook me very violently trying to wake me up. Well, I can tell you it was working. I was awake and I had a feeling I wasn't going to be getting any more sleep.

"Okay, Dais I am up. Where's Phoebe." I was surprised not to see Phoebe next to Daisy, usually, they were inseparable.

"Oh well she uh had some h-homework?" Daisy said suspiciously.

"Daisy where is your sister." I said as I gave her the 'tell me right now or else' look.

"I told you she's doing homework."

"Daisy doesn't make me take away your pancakes," I said

"How dare you! No one will ever take my pancakes away." She said as she fake gasped.

I rolled my eyes. For some reason, Daisy reminded me of Niall. I don't know why. Maybe it was the way they were both so protective of their food or because they both had the same beautiful eyes. Blue with specks of other colors depending on the day. 

I sighed knowing that no matter what I treated to do Daisy would not tell me where Phoebe was. She wouldn't rat out her twin like that. Maybe Daisy is telling the truth maybe Phoebe was actually doing homework. Maybe if I went to the library right now I would see her studying for some test she was super freaked out about.

I almost laughed to myself. Phoebe stressed about a test since when. Ever since Mom and Fizzy died Phoebe had been acting all rebellious. She used to get straight A's, now most days I'm not even sure she always goes to school. It's hard for me to keep an eye on her between my son, work, Lottie, and Daisy I have too many things to pay attention to. But I make time to pay attention because I don't want what happened to Fizzy to happen to Phoebe.

I shake away the bad thoughts and come back to reality. I notice that Daisy had left the room. I probably to go get some more pancakes.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was super messy, as usual. 

I decided not to care and got to get some pancakes myself.

"How's my favorite brother?" Lottie asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Lottie, I'm your only brother."

"Hey, mister I would take that as a compliment. It's not every day you get a Lottie famous compliment."

"Mmm-hmm. Sure, now can I have some pancakes."

"Uh uh. Pancakes are for people who appreciate compliments." Lottie said as she stuck her tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh so that's how you want to play it, huh well I guess I'll just have to get them myself."

I jumped up from my seat to get some pancakes from the pan when suddenly Lottie grabbed the pan and held it up in the air.

"Lottie stop making fun of me. I know I am shorter than you now give me a pancake."

Just as Lottie was about to lower the pan I got a phone call. 

I looked at the screen and saw the ID and knew I needed to answer it or there would be consequences.

"Ugh, I have to take this. But be warned this debate is not over." I said making eye contact with her.

"Mmm Hmm sure. But sounds like a victory to me." She said as I walked out of the room.


Hahaha, I left you all on another cliffhanger. Don't worry I'll update again soon. Hope you liked the chapter. Two questions though. Do you think Louis's going to say yes to a reunion or no? What do you think the other boys are up to? Vote and comment if you liked it.

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