thirty-seven / in the stands

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Will was called away a moment later to do an interview with the school newspaper and I went back to my family. Evan and Noah were discussing some professor that Evan was taking for a class. Apparently Evan had gotten a lousy grade on an essay because the professor didn't agree with his thesis, and Noah was laughing that Evan had the audacity to disagree with the professor.

I glanced back at the field where Will was now engaged in a conversation with Nolan Bellinger by home plate. Nolan gave Will a pat on the back and Will turned away with a smile.

"There's my cue, meet us outside of the stadium in fifteen minutes, Riv?" Evan asked as he hugged our parents goodbye after noticing Will heading into the locker room.

"Uh, why?" I asked.

"Will said that you were coming over to the house, we just need to get changed and shower."

"I mean he didn't mention it, but that sounds good," I shrugged.

The parents headed home but left me a car, leaving Noah to go back to his apartment and continue work on his education project. My dad tossed me the keys to our car before they hitched a ride with the Sanders.

True to their word, the boys were out of the stadium fifteen minutes later. Will's hair was still damp, and they were both dressed in different UH Baseball t-shirts and sweatpants. "Sorry I forgot to ask if you wanted to come over," Will laughed.

"All good, I have to drive my own car though," I said, jangling the keys.

Will threw his own keys at Evan. "You can drive my car back, I'll ride with Riv."

Evan pouted. "What if I wanted to ride with my precious sister?"
"Last I heard from you, I drive 'too slow' and my music is 'plainer than eating cardboard', so I'll just give you the opportunity to drive at your own speed and listen to your own music," I gave him a big sarcastic smile.

Evan laughed and trotted off to Will's car. As soon as Will hit the passenger's seat, I was already asking questions. "So, how do you know Nolan?"

He smirked and looked over at me. "What, do you think he's hot?"

I raised my eyebrows and looked back at the road. "I mean, you have a nice Hawaiian vibe going on that he doesn't."

He started laughing so hard it took him a second to respond. "It's okay, you can say that he's better looking at me. If only you knew how many girls were at that game just to see him, it's crazy. I had girls that I had never seen in my life come up to me today and ask if I could get them together with Nolan. I was a little offended honestly."

I patted his arm sympathetically. "You'll get 'em next time, cowboy. But for real, what were you guys talking about?"

Will sobered up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Pro ball and stuff. He said I could come out and train with him sometime if I wanted. Meet some of the guys he knows. And he said that he heard about my accident and is happy to see me back on the field. He wanted to know if there was any chance that I'd try for the draft."

My gaze shifted from the road over to Will. "What'd you say?"

He clenched his jaw slightly. "Probably not. It's a long way to go from where I'm at now. I couldn't even field that bunt."

"It's your first day. Give it some time. And I'm really glad that you got to play today, it's been quite the comeback," I replied.

He smiled. "I couldn't believe it, and I'm glad that you were here for it. I was nervous when I didn't see you at the beginning. When do you leave again?"

I grimaced. "Sorry about that, and tomorrow morning. But back to you and your game, that was a nice walk off," I said, kissing him on the cheek after I pulled into a parking spot on the road near the baseball house.

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