chapter 2-The welcoming!

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Chapter 2

I got on the plane and was stunned at the fact that I had a first class ticket-must be someone feeling sorry for me-the flight was 4 hours long and was luckily at night so I could get some sleep. The man next to me definately has a snoring problem it sounds like my uncle Steve when he's had a few too many.

When we landed I quickly got off and grabbed my luggage off the conveyor belt. I got into the main lobby and there was my auntie Julie. I ran to her and hugged her as if it was the last time I was going to see her, she hugged me tight and led me to the car outside the door. Its only when I got there that I remembered where I was. My jaw dropped at the beautiful view of the ocean. Palm trees swayed in the slight summer breeze; the waves were breath takingly beautiful-I definately can't wait to go surfing-Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I play soccor and I absolutely love surfing and riding they are my hobbies so hopefully I can keep doing all of them now I'm here.

My auntie looked at me, and nodded her head. "Come on! Lets get you home." I nodded, unable to get my words out.

It took about 30 minutes to get from the airport to my aunties house, and now I can see why I had a first class ticket for the plane! The house was huge there was an outdoor swimming pool; yes a stable down the feild. A huge smile crept onto my face; I jumped in excitement. My auntie Julie chuckled at the side of me.

"So, what are you so happy about?"She asked, clearly amused at my enthusiasm.

I laughed and said, "The stables! Please tell me I can ride the horses?"

"Even better," she whispered, "you can come with me tomorrow and get yourself a new one, you will need to break it though. We don't buy horses that are already broke in we like to do it ourselves." She explained.

"OMG! Yes, thankyou so, so much." I practically shouted and jumped into her arms for a hug.

"Sorry to be a debby downer but, you start school tomorrow so it'll have to be after. I will pick you up after school and we can go straight there."She said and gestured for me to follow her into the house. I strolled in calmly and followed Julie up to my room. The house was huge and my room was on the top floor. I dropped my stuff on the bed deciding to unpack them later and sat on the bed.

"Oh, before I forget we have one of my close friends staying with us next week so sorry if thats an inconvenience." I smiled and nodded.

"No! It is your house so it doesn't bother me." She nodded and walked out the room. The first thing I did was jump in the shower, I rubbed some of the strawberry shampoo into my hair and hopped out the shower. In my room I got changed into a pair of shorts and a pink; white checked shirt that was tied at the bottom. I put my hair up in a messy bun and kicked my cowboy boots on. I strolled out my room and headed straight for the stables. When I got there I realised how big they were, there were about 25 stables; all but one were full the horse that stood out the most to me was a pure black one with the tiniest white dot on its head. I grabbed the tack off the side of his stable door and went into the stable deciding it was time to ride again. I tacked him up and grabbed a helmet off the side, I slid it onto my hed and hopped onto his back. Since I didn't know my way around the garden I kept him in the garden where you can see the stables from, its better than being lost on your first day. The gentle breeze whipped through my hair, as I cantered him through the garden.


I'd been out riding for at least an hour when my auntie had called me in. We were sat at the table in an awkward silence. I traced the rim of the cup of tea with my thumb, feeling a little bit nervous. Finally Julie spoke,

"So what do you enjoy doing then Maddison?"she asked.

"Surfing, riding and playing soccor. They are my absolute favourite things to do. Do you know whether they have a girls soccor club at my new school?" I asked enthusiastically.

"I'm not sure, I don't know much about it. So you'll have to wait until tomorrow." I chuckled and nodded qiuckly.

"Guess so! Anyway why did you need to see me?"

She smiled and shook her head, "Oh yes, I've just been called into work; I've got a business trip to go on. I know you have only just got here but do you think you would be alright on your own for the next few weeks? Oh and Aiden will be here too."

"Uhhmmm...sure thats fine and whose Aiden?"I asked completely confused.

"He's my friend' son the one who will be staying here for the next few weeks, his mums going on this business trip too. So I said he could stop here and keep you company for the next few weeks. Is that alright dear?"

"As long as he can surf, play football and ride he'll be super." I winked and she laughed and pushed out her chair. She waved goodbye and walked out of the room. I leaned back in my chair, staring at the ceiling.

"Wow! These next few weeks are going to be great." I whispered; rolled my eyes. How did I end up like this...


So how'd you like it? I wonder what Aiden will be like and can he 'Surf, play football and ride'? How will him and Maddison get on will they be friends or worst enemies?


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