Chapter 3- Fly away? So soon?

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Okay so, SO, sorry for the long wait I had a really big writers block. I couldn't think properly at all, but...I'M BACK, and I will hopefully be uploading more often!!  


Chapter 3

After tea I decided to go to bed, afterall it had been a long night. I found out off of auntie Julie, that Aiden would be moving in tomorrow after school, so I have to be straight back home to 'help him move in'... I mean come on I still don't know where everything is!

As I reached my room I pushed the door open...WOW it looks so plain compared to my room at home 

"I definately need to do some decorating" I mumbled. I strolled over to my suitcase and grabbed my cute 'I <3 cookies' pyjamas. Slipping into my warm, cozy bed I drifted into a deep sleep...


' I am sat in a car with my family. It was dark and the rain was lashing down onto the windscreen. We were driving along one of the backroads, heading towards town, singing along to the terrible pop song on the radio. Suddenly, there was a loud honk, and a set of headlights travelling quickly towards us.  

"No, no, NO...."

"Maddison" *shake* "Maddison" *shake* "MADDISON"

Opening my eyes I saw auntie Julie staring down at me with panic struck eyes. A sigh of relief left my mouth 'thankgod it was a dream'. 

"Are you okay? What happened? Was it a bad dream?" She blurted worriedly.

"I'm fine, I had a dream about the crash," I mumbled tears glazing my eyes, "I'll be fine you should go get ready for work." I sent her a weak smile, showing I was okay. She smiled back and walked towards the door.

"If you ever want to talk I'm here." She said reassuringly. I nodded, silently saying that I knew she was. When she left I stood up and walked to my suitcase, after 20 minutes, I had decided to wear my white flowy skirt that ends just above my knees, a faded denim shirt, with a brown belt. After changing I threw my hair into a messy ponytail and put some make-up on. Slipping on my blue vans I gazed at myself in the mirror. My long blonde hair, and sea blue eyes. My tan, skin unusual for an english person, was completely natural. I checked I have everything and make my way downstaires.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard my auntie on the phone. I know, I know, eavesdropping is bad but its not like I meant to, I accidentally heard the conversation...

"But why do I have to be the one there, you have plenty of people you can call in, I have plans for tonight!" Aunt Julie yelled. "Okay, okay so the 10:30am flight is booked? Yes, yes, okay bye!" Putting the phone down I heard her sigh.

Walking into the kitchen I made myself known.  

"What was that about?" I questioned. Scoffing down a plate of pancakes and bacon.

"I have to leave earlier than planned I will be leaving this morning. I will leave you my bank card, for food nothing else. Oh! And there is $2000 cash in a box in the freezer, you can use that to buy a horse, I will organise for somebody to take you to the market tonight. I'm so sorry I have to leave you when you only just got here!" She spoke sadly.

"Its okay," I reassured her, "I will be fine, go have fun!" I smiled.

"Thankyou! Just call me if you need me!" She shouted as she headed upstaires to pack. I grabbed my bag off the chair next to me and walked outside.

Time for my first day of school... 


YAYYYY! Chapter 3 is up! Vote, comment and follow! I really want to know what you think about my story!

AIM: 10 votes!!

Update soon...


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