64 - "TWO"

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song of the chapter - "devil town v3" by cavetown

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song of the chapter - "devil town v3" by cavetown


Regulus fastened the last button of his loose white shirt hastily with one hand while the other raked a metal comb through his black, slightly curly, hair. Taking one last glance in the slightly tarnished silver framed mirror so that he was sure his mother would be satisfied with his reflection, he quickly threw open the dark painted wood door of his room on the second out of three wide floors that Grimmauld Place possessed. From the outside, their home looked tiny narrow, but the interior was surprisingly large. It was still nowhere near the sprawling Rosier Manor and its many courtyards and gardens, but big enough to mark them as one of the wealthiest families at Hogwarts. 

Clambering down the darkly floral carpeted stairs, Regulus ran his hand along the walnut wood banister as he made his way down to the parlor. His breath caught when he saw her. Not with attraction, not that she wasn't stunning as always, but with fear of what the hell her parents had done to her.

To most people, Hollis would look normal, maybe a little sleep-deprived if anything. However, Regulus noticed the tiny things, very similar to the ones he had seen on his brother, that made him horribly, horribly worried.

To start, there were deep purple bags painted underneath her eyes. And those eyes, Regulus thought with concern, look as dead as if they were six feet under. What the hell happened to you, Hol?

He also instantly noticed the tiny bruises scattered around her neck that his parents had obviously chosen to ignore. Walburga and Orion couldn't say anything about those marks even if they had wanted to. They had left ones almost identical on Sirius before.

The instant Regulus emerged into view from the stairs, Hollis felt a wide sensation of relief pass through her.

The sixth-year Slytherin boy was dressed in a loose white button-down shirt with wide sleeves that fastened at the wrists, a causally proper garment. Absent of any emerald tie, Regulus looked both more at ease and slightly uncomfortable that he was away from Hogwarts and with his parents instead. 

He paused midstep as their eyes locked with a slight release of tension. Both of them attempted and succeeded to hide any of this relief from their parents, though. If either of the cruel pairs had a slight suspicion of Hollis and Regulus's 'improper' relationship, then the effect the discovery would have on the two Slytherins would be anything but positive.

"Regulus, come greet our guests," called Walburga from where she waited with the Rosiers in the parlor.

Finishing his descent down the stairs, he shook hands with Mulstone and nodded at Vindia, who lowered her eyes slightly. Making even that much contact with the Rosiers that he considered monsters repulsed him to the point of making an expression of physical disgust. He restrained himself.

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