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"the glitter incident of 1976"

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"the glitter incident of 1976"

tw - mentions of self harm

With his fingers wrapped tightly around the thick black fabric sleeve of Sirius's cloak, James yanked his blacked-haired friend into a little inlet branching off one of the main Hogwarts corridors. Startled, Sirius blinked several times before looking at James with a mischievous grin.

"Trying to make out with me, Prongs?" he asked, straightening his robes.

However, when the Black saw the distressed expression on James's face, his joking demeanor instantly melted off his features as quickly as snow in the spring sun.

"What's wrong?" Sirius asked, glancing behind him to make sure no nosy fourth year or Ravenclaw was listening in on whatever James was about to go on about.

"I can't do this anymore," Potter muttered to Sirius, eyes helpless. "We have to say something to Hollis. It's going to eat me alive. We both know why she could see that thestral. She's surrounded by death and pain. She has a right to know, I-"

Black's eyes widened as he turned his neck around again to see if anyone was standing behind them. After checking, he pulled James rather forcefully farther down the hallway so that they were completely isolated from the rushing current of students transitioning to their different classes or going on break.

Leaning into Potter's face, he whispered to the distressed boy with urgency and panic.

"You're fucking mental, James Potter," Sirius exclaimed in a low tone. "No way in hell I'm going to let you do that."

James's eyes narrowed in determination.

"Pads, do you not feel like a shitty person? It's following me around, and I won't be able to get rid of it unless I just tell Hollis that we were with her. She might not forgive us for a long time, but in the end, don't you think it'll be better to just stop hiding things?" he replied quickly.

It was very obvious that James had already put a lot of thought into this; his argument was well planned. But not well planned enough for Sirius.

"No, I don't" the Black hissed, his lip curling slightly. "Don't you understand, James? There's more than just one person that would react strongly to this."

Potter's hazel eyes widened as he realized who Sirius was talking about.

"Oh Merlin, I didn't even consider Remus," James whispered, discovering the seemingly obvious flaw in his argument. He leaned against the carved stone wall, rubbing a hand over his eyes. "Moony would kill us."

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