The Night of October in '61

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Like any other mischievous Friday evening, the famed ambrosial and ambient of " La Valiram Cafe " stood proud since the 1890s. People here and there were found relishing from fragrant of the rustling ambers of Baguio's tobacco, one of Philippines' finest.  The white noise; from what I suspect are the last customers for tonight, and the wholistic scenery; of people with their genuine smiles galore with waves of laughter enjoying the cold breeze of October nights accompanied by our fine tobacco and our strong yet creamy coffee, 'tis of Bagious' finest or rather La Valiram's finest.

" Good afternoon señor. Might I recommend you today's special... "

" A pleasant evening señorita. And may I add, that coat falls nothing short to extraordinary!... "

Day turned to afternoon, and soon the afternoon turned to night. I shared my own few counts of smiles and pleasantries as the sun runs low, but what my heart truly basked on was...this pure utter mayhem I dare call everyday life, sometimes I imagine holding a gun---but the other way around with my finger trembling against the trigger.

I shook my head with both palms tightly packed against my cheeks. " Ughh! Get a hold of yourself, Yuki! five more minutes before you can go, just! just, hang in there... "

I wiped off the cobwebs inside my head in hopes of lasting a few more minutes, a grin unconsciously popped out of nowhere accompanied by my pale thin face. 

" That pretty face? Really? Shut up! Shut up!! Shut up!!! "

The shimmering lights from the street posts and passing cars painted a landscape of the usual bustling nights on this side of the city. People passing through the cafe with their neckties and briefcases, mostly Spanish brokers and businessmen, but some nights a few Filipino's lookin' the same always catches my attention. Soldiers too, often walk to and fro the streets at night with their rifles at the ready, or I think they are.

But something's different tonight, there were no soldiers to be seen---usually, the first soldier to pass by comes around 4 o'clock pm until the rest of my shift is over. Not that I'm WORRIED!? Why would I be? Ughh, QUIET!...

Sometimes...when things inside my head don't go too well---or...things with my mom... turn the same way inside my head...I count the people passing by the cafe. That's when some customers catch me hovering a smile from cheek to cheek. Not that it helps nor comforts me, it just makes me feel something, makes me think of something else other than my own thoughts.

My lips positioned to hum, and as the hum continued, words too followed, first in a low tone, and the last finishing at a high note.


Little flower huff,

Little flower puff,


A little song I came up with when I was about twelve years old to remind me that everything's going to be okay. But now that I'm twenty-one, it reminds me to breathe. Sometimes when you think or talk to yourself too often---you forget to breathe. Or at least that's how it usually turns out for me. 

My thoughts finally piped down, and for a moment all my worries turned to bliss, or so I figured. Just as I thought that nothing could be as good as it already is, he came. 

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