Village of Ibaloi

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Amongst the region of Benguet at the thriving urban city of Baguio, lies the village of Ibaloi, where nothing but the artic breeze of night and day flourishes from the city ground---to the structure's skin itself, making if not all then most of our outfits thick and layered.

A Volkswagen type 1 or most would recognize as a " Volkswagen beetle " was of their possession,  A fitting get-away car if you'd ask me, I fancy myself one of these...perhaps one day. Along with them includes me,  A loose end. A valued price for the police? Surely a piece of snowballing evidence against them for now---until eventually, an avalanche,, it's not like that...

This might've been the easiest heist of their lives I'd imagine, a quick and proficient in and out, but of course, there's no such thing as perfection, making me---the black sheep, a scapegoat. Ugh! Shh! I closed my eyes and placed two fingers at my temple to somehow suppress the unrelenting noise inside my head.

The night went steep at first, the petite and lean woman which sat behind the wheel argued with the man sitting beside me at the back, along with her the little kid which sat at the passenger seat in front.

I sat quietly, looking down, perplexed, gradually agitated, somehow anxious, am I? Of course you are dumb-dumb a bunch of no-good robbers just ransacked the cafe you work in then you simply came waltzing out with them. What do you think would happen? Something magical? *Scoff*

The heist went smooth and rather well, but it could've gone better, the kid argued. The man paid no heed but expected reconciliation. There were no cops on our tails as they left no crumbs to be swept, then what do you call yourself sweetheart? They must've been pulling these kinds of jobs for years.

The road went long and hard, converse followed. They lived by several rules, in that way, they were sensible as a team, to move as a unit. The petite woman called herself " Tessa ", her role was pulling valuable strings under different circumstances. 

" This isn't the first you fish for unorthodox scenarios Andres. But a woman of all things!?  What's next? the President!? " She had this narrow face, a peculiar style of short hairdo with long ends at each side and a concave shape at the back all falling flat in a hue of strong black. Not much of her forehead could be seen by the way her hair falls, but those lips do make up for it. The complexity of her skin speaks strongly of a native Filipina, that I am most certain.

The mean-looking kid named himself " Mathias " or in Hebrew " The gift of God ", ironic if you'd ask me, shut up! Nobody asked you. His role was rather dangerous at his age which I presume was about 15 to 17, he has a knack for gaining information in different varieties, from the most common all the way to the rare and prestigious. Let's just say that I'd always want to be on his good side. Always.

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