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Pomona Sprout had never missed a day of teaching in her life. Teaching Herbology was her passion. It was the reason she got up in the morning. No matter if she was healthy or sick, Professor Sprout always made it to the greenhouses with a smile on her face.

So why wasn't she here?

Celeste tapped her foot on the floor nervously, sensing that something was wrong. Remus, who was seated next to her, placed his hand on top of hers underneath the table, so no one else would see. He could practically feel her heart beating out of her chest beside him.

Professor Sprout had always been a sort of mother figure to Celeste, and she knew that the professor would never willingly miss a class. That was why she was so worried.

The classes attention was drawn as an unfamiliar person entered the greenhouse. It was a man, with a receding hairline, a pointed chin, and a sneer more malicious than Celeste had ever seen.

"I am Professor Durum and I will be teaching your class today. I do not permit foolishness, idiotic behavior, or misbehaving of any kind." The man grimaced as he looked over the class, as if the mere sight of them left a bad taste in his mouth. The only time the ugly look would leave his face was when his gaze turned to the Slytherin's, whom he seemed to like.

However, Ella and Shelley sat across the room with matching glares towards the teacher, regardless of the fact that he favored them. It served as a good reminder to some of the more anti-Slytherin marauders (James and Sirius) that not all Slytherins were evil.

Celeste did not like this substitute one bit, and she didn't hesitate to show it. The fiery glare that came from the sixteen year-old could burn through bulletproof glass, and everyone in the room had to look away for fear that it would land on them.

Professor Durum, however, didn't seem to feel her gaze, heavy with disgust. He simply continued with his strict instructions and poorly disguised hatred.

"Your teacher claimed that this class was talented, but clearly she was mistaken." Durum's eyes snapped towards Peter, who was clearly struggling to get the pus out of the Botuber plant successfully. "Like Mister Pettigrew over here, what sort of idiot forgets their gloves when coming to Herbology class? Fifteen points from Gryffindor."

A number of Gryffindor students began to whine about the loss of points, but Celeste Malfoy was not having this today.

"That's not even close to being fair! You're picking on students who need help instead of, I don't know, teaching them? That's what your job is, and at the moment you're failing miserably." The fire that sparked behind her stormy grey eyes was deadly.

And yet the professor was just as deadly. "Pointing out clear idiocy is a skill a teacher must have, Miss Malfoy, as is recognizing failures such as yourself."

Celeste's lip curled and Remus mentally winced as she stood up. "Failure is all about perspective, Professor. Like for instance, my parents may have seen me as a failure, but the people who really matter," Celeste gestured to her friends. "Know that I'm very much not."

Remus hoped she would stop now, but he knew she wouldn't. It wasn't in her nature.

"As for you, Sir, it's also a matter of perspective. Maybe your mummy thinks you're such a success, but to everyone else on this Earth, you're the same whiny, cruel, bully. So who is really in the wrong here?"

The class burst out in 'ooo's' and various laughs.

"You and your friends are all idiotic numbskulls who won't last a minute outside of this castle. I hear you aspire to be a professor of Herbology? I can assure you, that will never be the case. Now, you and all of your so called 'friends' can pack your shit and head straight to  the headmasters office." Durum terrified practically everyone in the vicinity, but not Celeste.

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