The Potions Master

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The first night in the dormitory was odd. I had just met the girls, they were kind and welcoming, but they weren't the sister I had shared a room with for almost ten years.

I didn't sleep very well. The next morning when Hermione came to assure I was awake for lessons, I had already been so for hours.

Despite the lack of sleep, I pushed myself from the bed and onto the floor to pull my trunk out from under the four-poster bed. I collected my newly bought uniform, wishing my dorm-mates good morning on my trek to the room's attached bathroom.

I hurriedly changed into the robes and brushed my teeth; my old, tattered hairbrush having to suffice for getting the tangles out of my knotted hair.

Lavender was quick to rush in as soon as I exited, but I was nervous to the extent of barely noticing. I discarded my worn clothes in the bin set at the far side of the room, one that would be later emptied by the school's elves who would clean and then return the clothing.

I sat on the edge of my unmade bed, slipping on the pair of Mary Janes that I had laid out on the floor in preparation the night before.

"Are you ready?" The sharp voice of Hermione Granger spoke from the doorway, causing my gaze to rise at the sound. "We should leave for breakfast."

"All right," I nodded, patting down my robes to brush away any wrinkles as I grabbed the torn over-the-shoulder schoolbag that my brother Charlie had once used for his time at school.

It was bulging from the weight of the schoolbooks and other supplies I had stuffed inside, patches covering most of the outside from rips it had suffered over the many years.

I followed Hermione from the dormitory and down to the Common Room, not without bidding the bustling Lavender and Parvati farewell. Ron was sat on the squashy couch by the fire, speaking loudly to his new mate sat beside him.

At the sound of our approaching footsteps, Ron's blue eyes rose. His smile faded, forming into one of sympathy at the sight of me. He stood, crossing from around the furniture with his arms open. I sighed in relief, walking into them so he could embrace me tightly as I masked in the familiar scent.

"You can do this," He whispered into my hair, the slight shake of my head in response barely noticeable. "We can do this — together."

I sucked in a breath between my clenched teeth, but hesitantly pulled from the boy. He smiled down at me, an arm slipping over my shoulders as I looked away and to the two others watching us.

"Good morning, Alexandria," Harry Potter had greeted quietly, already seeming to slip from his shy confinements.

"Good morning," I smiled in return, barely able to keep hidden the cringe my face instinctively scrunched into at the sound of my full name.

We left for the Great Hall together, with Hermione rounded to my other side to blabber about the day's upcoming lessons. She continued to talk even during the morning meal, though I was anything but bothered by her excitement as it provided a feel of ease.

Professor McGonagall distributed the timetables while we ate, leaving Hermione to compare our two schedules and assure they were exact. As she spoke aloud of the lessons, Harry or Ron would occasionally add in a comment of their own for they were not-so-subtly listening in on the conversation.

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