chapter 48

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he looked at her and laughed

"i love you sweetheart"

jade looked at him
and smiled

*skip to when they started driving home*

jade played "devil in me" by halsey

she tweeted:

jadewinters-to any young girls out there letting boys break your heart left and right please i'm begging you...find the boy who loves you for you. the one who makes you feel so loved and perfect. you deserve it. i love u all ❤️

then she tweeted

jadewinters- i'm in love with jaden mf hossler.

she put her phone down

jade-have you every thought about eventually moving out of the sway house so me and you can buy a house or an apartment and live just us?

jaden-i've definitely thought about it but i didn't bring it up cause i figured you weren't ready to leave the boys

jade-that's why i never really brought it up to you,i know you're super close with them. they're your best friends.

jaden-well are you ready to leave the rest of the boys?

jade-no not at all but within the next 2-3 years i think we should definitely look into buying our own house

jaden- sounds like a plan pretty girl

jade smiled at him

she got a call from griffin

jade-hey griff
griffin-yo did you see what's going on right now on twitter
griffin-go look at nick austin's tweets
jade-okay i'll go look

*skip to end of conversation*

jade went and looked

nick tweeted
nickaustin-yo jade winters is pretty hot

the tweet was on tiktok room and everyone was going crazy about it

jade didn't want to show jaden cause she didn't want him to get upset but he asked
"what tweet was griff telling you to look at"
jade-uh nick austin said i was hot

at first jaden looked mad then he looked at jade

and shrugged it off

jade-you're not mad?

jaden-i am. but every single teenage boy thinks you're hot. i'm gonna have to get used to it

*skip to when they got home*

they walked in the house and addison was there with bryce


addison-hi jade!

they hugged eachother

addison said hi to jaden as well
and jade said hey to bryce

the four of them were hanging out
addison and jade made a few tiktoks together

*skip to when bryce ended up driving addison home*

it was just jaden and jade in the house

they were watching tv and jade was on twitter
and nick tweeted again

nickaustin-what do you even see in the one you're with now? he doesn't treat you right. you deserve better than whatever he's giving you.

jaden saw it

jaden-what the fuck

jade-jaden,you know i love you. i know you treat me like a princess. he doesn't matter

jaden-but it's so annoying like why is he doing this

jade-i don't know jaden i don't. but you know it yours. not his. okay?

jaden laid his head on her lap

"i know. and i love you. but me and him are like friends? what is he getting out of this?"

"i don't know j. i'm sorry. but just know i'm not going anywhere. i'm yours forever. i love you."

he smiled and kissed her forehead

then he tweeted

jadenhossler-no one knows every single detail of me and jade's relationship besides us. stop trying to ruin other people's happiness cause you want attention. jade is my baby forever.

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