chapter 10

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nessa was only there for another week.

they spent the week together and they had a lot of fun.

*skip to a few days after nessa leaves*

jade was gonna film a youtube video that day
a story time about her childhood because the other night her and jaden were going through her comments and all of them said how her life is so perfect but she wanted to explain the real truth.

she got ready.

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(she didn't have the head wrap on)

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(she didn't have the head wrap on)

(her hair is completely black it didn't have those highlights)

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(her hair is completely black it didn't have those highlights)

She put her camera on and started filming.

"hey everyone it's jade. so i wanted to make this little story time to kinda just explain my life. me and jaden saw some comments the other day talking about how my life is so perfect and how they're jealous. but i don't want anyone to feel like i'm above them cause i'm not, ive had my fair share of problems in life. my life was never or will never be anywhere near perfect. so i don't want you guys to feel alone in having a non prefect life. so i'm here to tell you guys my story. when i was born my parents weren't together, my mom was 19 and my dad was 23. they were young, and neither of them were mature enough for a baby. but they took on the responsibility. my parents stayed together for me. but things changed my dad was brutally murdered when i was 4. he was robbed and shot. the people who killed him are in jail. my dad kept my mom in check. when he was gone she was a mess. she was 23 years old and couldn't handle taking care of me. but she tried, eventually me and her lost our whole relationship. she became a horribly bad mom, she didn't feed me,my clothes didn't fit me,i was dirty. my dads mom knew my mom was struggling. so she tried as much as she could to help. i was always with her. but she had cancer and couldn't take care of me all the time so i was at my moms house. but when i was with my grandma i was so happy. sadly my grandma passed a few weeks ago.  i was extremely depressed all of my childhood. my grandma tried to help as much as she could. i was so insecure about being overweight i starved myself. i got diagnosed with anorexia at the age of 13. which is still struggling with to this day.i was so depressed. i tried to kill myself 7 times,i cut myself so much all over my body,and i gave up on life. i started tiktok as a way out. when i blew up i was so happy, you guys my fans changed my life, i love you all so much. but i was still struggling at school. a boy who i trusted tried to rape me. he told everyone at school the exact opposite of that. i was called a slut and a whore all of middle school. it was horrible. i started high school and i was used cause of my following on tiktok.
but a few months in bryce dmed me on instagram and asked me to move in with them at the sway house. from there my life changed, i met jaden who is my best friend and i love him. i met nessa who is also my best friend and i love her to pieces,i met quinton who i'm dating and i'm very happy with,and i met the rest of the boys and i love them all so much. but that doesn't mean i don't struggle still. im still struggling with depression,anorexia,and horrible anxiety.the boys are helping me through it though. they make sure i eat at least once a day and they check up on me. i stopped taking my depression and anxiety meds but now they make sure i take them.the point of this video is to tell you guys that no one is perfect. so don't even try to make yours perfect. no one is. i love you all so so so so much. please don't change for anyone. times get dark but they'll get better even if it seems that they won't. i can promise you, i thought nothing would get better and they did. i love you all. i hope you're all staying safe during this quarantine. be safe,be happy,and be kind to others and yourself. don't change for anyone, you're perfect. always be kind to yourself. i love you all. mwah."

she ended the video.

she posted the video that night after she edited it.

she was in her room but all the boys watched it in the living room together.

they screamed her name so she went downstairs to see them

jade:what's up
jaden:we love you
griffin:so proud of you jade
quinton:you're so cute i'm proud of you
the rest of them hugged her and they spent the night just being happy.

jade was finally happy.

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