The Devil's Spawn

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Chapter 8

The Devil's Spawn

Crap. You know when people say 'This day could not get any worse'?

News flash for you all, it can ALWAYS get worse!

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Adam Campbell on a date with Miss Stinky Cat-Lady." Russel Cooper sneered at us and Adam heaved a deep sigh. "Coop, please, don't do this. Don't call her that."

Russell was captain of the football team, feared by most because of his size, his ferocity, and popularity. He was tall, big, and thick like a brick wall.

He was as smart as one too.

"Why? I call her that all the time when we're out with our friends. Why should I stop now?" He smirked down at me, looking like a constipated moose.

I shot a hurt look at Adam. So, he and his friends liked to talk trash about me and call me names. I don't know why I was even surprised to hear that now.

"Yeah, and I always tell you to quit talking about her that way." Adam snapped at his friend, while Lucky started to growl on my lap.

"So what's going on here? Are you seriously on a date with this loser, Adam?" Russel asked.

"This is not a date. We just bumped into each other here and started talking, that's all." Adam quickly replied.

He sounded like he was ashamed to be seen with me, and even more ashamed to have people think he was dating me. Lucky's growl turned gradually louder and I wrapped one arm around him to calm him down.

"Why are you even talking to her? She's so pathetic, it's pitiful!" Russell spat out. "I don't know what came over me to even consider asking her out. I must have been temporally insane. Why are you wasting your time with that frigid lesbo anyway? She doesn't even like dick, bro."

Adam stood up and moved between us to avoid a confrontation. "That's enough, Cooper. You better leave now."

Adam's feeble attempt to protect me only pissed Russell off more. He pushed Adam out of his way to throw more abuse at my face.

"All you care about is these stupid fleabags." He barked at me. "It's disgusting how you have sick cats hanging on you all the time. You're a health hazard, Atkins. You should be kept in quarantine forever. And these stupid animals you love so much should be all put to death!"

He made a move to shove Lucky out of my lap, but the Deadly-claws-of-vengeance made their epic return, rewarding Russell's temper tantrum with a nasty slash.

I think it even drew blood. Good kitty. I was so proud.

Lucky growled loudly and jumped to the ground, with his back arched, his fur standing on end, ears flat against the head, and teeth on display, clearly showing he was not on friendly terms there.

"Son of a b-" Russell howled in pain, holding his bleeding hand. "He attacked me!"

"You attacked him first! He's only defending himself!" I shouted, standing from my seat.

"Oh, you wanna see attack? I'll show the little shit what's an attack." He threatened and tried to kick Lucky, but the cat was as fast as any I've ever seen. Russell's shoe didn't even get close, while Lucky shot towards his leg like a deadly arrow.

I didn't get to see what even happened before Russell was yelping and holding his leg in pain. He was wearing shorts, like Adam, and his leg was free game and a clear target for Lucky's menacing revenge.

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