A Dog Person

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                                                Chapter 5

                                                A dog person

 "Hey, Mia! Hello!" Adam greeted me in his usual cheerful mood.

Adam Campbell was the ultimate heartthrob in my school. His sandy blond hair and bronze skin was the perfect match to his big almond eyes. Adam could always be found near the beach because surfing was his favorite pastime. Whenever he wasn't at the beach, you could find him at the gym on the other side of the street from my store.

It's easy to guess that the boy had quite a fit body, between all the surfing and working out he did all the time at the gym. The girls went crazy every time he took his shirt off during P.E. and I have to admit, it was quite the view. But people didn't only like him because he was ridiculously hot, Adam was also extremely easygoing and nice, with a constant smile on his face.

He was also a regular client in the Pet store. He used to say we had the best dog treats in town. Do you know how some people seem to assimilate their pet's personality? Well, Adam had this adorable Gold Labrador Retriever called Noodles, and he acted a lot like that dog. He was loud, all over the place, contagiously happy, and a bit goofy as well.

He would be damn near perfect if it wasn't for his biggest flaw ever: Russell Cooper, AKA The Devil's Spawn. Russell was Adam's best friend and was constantly glued to his side, like a big, fat, diabolical leech.

Yeah, I know, talk about a major flaw. But hey, no one is perfect.

"Hi, Adam. Hi, Noodles!" I greeted Adam and his dog as they walked into the store.

"Mia, do you have more of those awesome biscuits I bought last time I was here?" Adam asked while his dog pulled him eagerly towards the dog treats aisle. "Noodles frigging loved them!"

"Yeah. But I think Noodles already found them. Follow his nose, his trying to nudge them out of the shelf there." I told him.

"Oh. Cool. Thanks." He grabbed one small bag and headed to the cash register where I was perched over.

"Why don't you get the bigger package? He'll gobble this up in one second." I said, watching Noodles whine for Adam to hurry up and hand over the goodies.

"Noodles. No! Sit. Wait." Adam barked out the orders and Noodles promptly obeyed, but only because he had his eyes on the prize and thought that maybe he'd get a treat for being a good boy. He usually wasn't very responsive to Adam's commands.

"I don't have much money now," he said, scratching his head embarrassedly. "I'll come back later to buy some more when I have more cash on me."

I waved a hand at him. "It's okay, Adam. You can take the treat and pay me whenever. You buy tons of stuff from us. Customers like you have privileges at Paw's Pet Store!" I sang like we were in an infomercial.

He laughed at my silly performance. "Nah. I'll take the small pack. It gives me an excuse to come back for the big bag. Then I can see you again." He shot me a flirty wink with that goofy smile that always looked so easy on him.

Adam liked to flirt a lot. He never stuck with one girlfriend for too long and whenever he started flirting like this usually meant that he was single again.

"I'm hazarding a guess that there isn't a girlfriend in the picture anymore?"

"It wasn't working out and we decided it was time to break up. The grieving period is over for me and I'm ready to move on, so, if there's any lady out there interested, this is the time for her to present herself." He gave me a pointed look and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at me.

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