Chapter 12

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Over the course of the next day, Thorin and Thraya avoided any social interactions. Thraya could tell he was deeply upset about the turn of events from the evening before and opted to keep him company rather than go back to the library.

"I do not trust them," Thorin insisted. "They may not be nearly as bad as the Mirkwood pixies, but...nonetheless, they are not to be trusted."

Thraya shrugged. "He did give you important information."

"I know. But that doesn't mean I have to like him."

"No, it doesn't," she agreed. "But it would be gracious of you to not be hostile to someone who helped you. Even that is setting the bar low. But dwarves and elves have different senses of propriety."

Thorin chuckled slightly and smiled. "And which group do you believe you agree with?"

Thraya held up her hands. "I am the middle ground. Directly in the center of the spectrum. The perfect balance."

Thorin laughed. "Your sense of humor is definitively being influenced by your cousin Kili, mizimith. But it fits you better than it does him."

"He would beg to differ."

"And he would be wrong."

"I beg to differ."

Thorin just smiled.

Somewhere around midday, Kili sought them out and tried to get them to join the others going swimming in the fountain, a proposition Thorin had immediately shut down. Then he insisted they go back inside for a while. The library was a decent distance from the courtyard with the unfortunate fountain, so Thorin followed Thraya there.

For Thraya, the hours passed in a blur. Thorin was less fortunate in his perception of the passage of time, and yet he found joy in listening to her wide-eyed explanations of fascinating elven wisdom, particularly in the area of healing.

Not until the sun set and the darkness began giving Thraya a harder time of reading did they emerge, Thraya with a couple books tucked under her arm.

"You should get to bed, naithith," Thorin advised. "I spoke to the wizard and we will be leaving first thing tomorrow. And it's getting late."

"Adad, the sun barely set," Thraya laughed. "It's hardly late."

"Well, you should get rest while you can. Soon we'll be on the road again and we never know when and how well we will be able to sleep."

"A fair point," she conceded. "But in that case, you should sleep as well."

"Oh look," Thorin pointed out. "Our burglar is right-"

"Sh!" Thraya suddenly hissed. "I hear voices."

"What?" Thorin whispered.

"Talking about the quest," she informed him, silently creeping nearer.

Thorin followed her and soon heard what she was talking about. They ended up right behind Bilbo who, it seemed, was also eavesdropping on Gandalf and Elrond.

"It is a dangerous move," Elrond warned.

"It is also dangerous to do nothing," Gandalf countered. "Oh, come. The throne of ERebor is Thorin's birthright. What is it you fear?"

"Have you forgotten?" the Elf-Lord challenged. "A strain of madness runs deep in that family. His grandfather lost his mind. His father succumbed to the same sickness. Can you swear Thorin Oakenshield will not also fall?"

Thraya gripped her father's arm comfortingly.

Bilbo gave them an awkward look and then after deliberating for a moment as to whether or not he was going to say something, he left.

"He's right," Thorin said bitterly. "Do you want to go back home?"

"Not a chance," Thraya scoffed. "My home is wherever you are. And what on earth does he know? You aren't your father or your grandfather."

"Thraya, you're very kind, but-"

"It probably makes a huge difference that you haven't been locked in a mountain with the gold for your entire life" she added. He didn't seem convinced so she gave him a warm smile and continued. "Look, you are a wonderful caring father. I don't care what the rest of your family was like. I mean, look at my grandfather."

Thorin returned her smile and gave her a hug. "I find myself saying this far too often, but you are the greatest thing to ever happen in my life, mizimith."

"And you are in mine."

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you, my dear. Now we should get you to bed."

"Are you happier now?" she demanded as he began walking her back to her room. "I'm not letting you do anything until you say you're happy."

Thorin let out a chuckle. "I'd just like to see you try and stop me, child. You're still very tiny for an elf."

"And I'd like to see you try to fight the sheer power of my sad face," she countered.

He threw his head back and laughed at that. "Your mission has been accomplished, naithith. I am happier."

Thraya cracked a wide grin. "Yes! Now you can get a good night of sleep!"

"Now what on earth could that mean? That's a foreign concept."

"Would it help to know we're all packed up first?"

He opened the door and held it for her. "You seem to have all your things in order, and I've been ready to leave this place for quite some time."

"Great! Then does that ease your mind at all?"

He smiled. "I suppose it does."

"Then you should get some rest, adad. You desperately need it."

"You grow more like your mother every day," he said softly. "You know, she could be dealing with all sorts of pregnancy complications and she would still be telling me I had to worry about myself."

Thraya laughed. "Well, I know where she was coming from. You never worry about yourself. And that's not a good thing."

"You also look exactly like her."

"So you've told me."

He gave her another smile. "I love you, naithith. Sleep well."

"I love you too," she answered, giving him a hug.

"Good night," he said gently as he left her room.

Thraya's head had barely hit the pillow when she fell fast asleep for probably the last time for quite some time.

It seemed like no time had passed before Thorin was waking her up. It was barely the crack of dawn and they were leaving.

Thraya gave Rivendell one last wistful look that was not unnoticed by Thorin.

Ok, I officially suck!  It's been almost two months since my last update and I have no good excuse.  I'm so sorry to all y'all who have stuck around and I hope this chapter is good enough to keep you interested.   I know it's short, but hey, we're moving again!

Much love,


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