Chapter 10

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Thraya decided to avoid the dwarves the next day. She loved them to death, but they really were a bit much at times. And after months on end of no one but them for company, she rather wanted to enjoy the tranquility of Imladris.

In her wanderings, she ran into Bilbo.

"Oh, good morning," he said in a small voice as she leaned against the railing next to him.

"It really is a lovely morning," she agreed. Bilbo stood there, awkwardly clearing his throat and rocking on his feet. Thraya laughed. "I don't bite, Master Baggins. You needn't be afraid of me."

"Oh, uh...hang on, I'm not..." the hobbit blustered.

Thraya raised an eyebrow at him. "You seem rather on edge," she observed. "Is something wrong?"

"No it's just...the whole lot of the dwarves and you...well," he trailed off.

"Do we intimidate you?" Thraya asked kindly.

"Maybe," Bilbo said in a small voice. "You're all so fierce and battle-hardened and I'm...not. I don't belong."

Thraya laughed a bit. "I don't know about that, Master Burglar. You have quick wits, which in case you haven't noticed, is something most of the dwarves grievously lack. You kept the trolls distracted and saved them."

"You helped me with that," he said humbly.

"I'm trying to thank you, Bilbo. Are you normally hard to thank?"

"I..." he fell silent. "You're welcome?"

"See, how hard was that?" she laughed.

Bilbo let out a nervous laugh and gazed out over the Rivendell scenery, fidgeting his hands awkwardly.

"It's beautiful out here," Thraya commented at length.


A slightly tense silence followed. Thraya exhaled and stepped back from the railing. "Well, I'm going to explore this place a bit more. I suppose I'll be seeing you around, Bilbo. Until then," she gave a little bow.

"Until then, Miss Thraya."

"Oh, please! Just Thraya."

Bilbo gave another awkward nod and Thraya left him to his thoughts, chuckling softly to herself.

After spending the majority of the morning exploring the lovely outdoor walkways and gardens, she found her way to the healing halls. It was mostly empty with the exception of an elleth wrapping a bandage around a warrior's arm singing softly in elvish.

Thraya watched, transfixed by the soothing magical air formed by the elleth's voice.

"Elvish healing is often fascinating," a voice said from behind her.

She whirled, unsheathing her knives again and found that once again, she had gotten the draw on Lord of Imladris.

This time, Elrond smiled. "We must stop meeting like this, my dear."

Thraya let out a puff of air and put her weapons away. "Not many living things can sneak up on me," she commented.

"I assure you, my intention has never been to startle you."

"I know," she sighed. "I've never been around elves before."

"I suppose you are used to being aware of the presences of much louder, clumsier people?" Elrond suggested.

Thraya nodded and turned her gaze back towards the healing halls for a moment. The elleth had finished her song and was now conversing with the warrior. She sighed and turned away from the halls. "It's absolutely magical," she said softly.

"Would you like to learn some of our methods?" Elrond offered. "I'd be more than happy to pass on the knowledge of Elvish healing."

Thraya's face betrayed her excitement before she could remember that she wasn't supposed to trust elves.

Elrond offered her a small smile. "I assure you, we are not all you have heard of the Woodland Elves. Even I agree with your father about King Thranduil. His sense of superiority is not shared by all elvenkind."

"I know, at least...I think I understand. It's just so strange."

Elrond laughed slightly. "Well, I suppose I should not presume to change your lifelong views in the course of an afternoon."

"But I am interested in healing," she said hesitantly. "I'm just not sure..."

"I've noticed you have been exploring this morning," Elrond said in a mysterious tone. "Have you come across the library yet?"

Thraya shook her head.

"It's just down this way," he said vaguely. "There is much to be learned from the wisdom contained in that room. Especially the books located on the right hand side of the library. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay in Imladris, Lady Thraya."

She narrowed her eyes at his retreating figure. His tone and specific instructions were highly suspicious. So naturally, she took off for the library and made a beeline for the right hand side.

Books on Healing.

That's what he had directed her to. Thraya couldn't help smile.

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